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In which a love morally forbidden by society becomes to potent to ignore.
"I love you, Eden."
"I love you, Huxley."
Previously titled 'White Ca...
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I blew out a breath nervously. I ran my hands along my arms and forced myself to focus on the task at hand. My eyes scanned the rows and rows of books in front of me. I ran my fingers along the spines, taking note of all the titles but shelving the ones that I didn't come here for.
She loved books, and I was on a mission to find her favourite. Eden already had a copy of the book at home but I wanted to buy her a second copy so it could be her favourite, just for an entirely different reason. This copy will be all about the memories associated with it.
I huffed, tapping my fingers against the wooden bookcase when I come up short in finding Eden's favourite book. I chewed the inside of my bottom lip as I made my way up to the clerk's desk. I knocked on wood, grabbing his attention. The boy had beach blonde hair and delicate blue eyes, like the ocean, and when he smiled politely, there were barely any smile lines around the frame of his eyes. He couldn't have been older than twenty-five.
"Hey mate, how can I help you?"
"I'm looking for a copy of The White Company by Arthur Conan Doyle."
"No worries mate," he nodded and walked off to the side, "follow me."
We walked down an aisle with books and books, until we finally stopped in the H section of authors. My eyes almost widened when it fell on a nearly ceiling-high bookcase. The boy pulled the book I was looking for off one of the shelves and handed it to me. I inspected the cover, taking in the crimson hardcover with delicate gold lining along the spine, top and bottom edges of the book before smiling up at the clerk gratefully.
"Cheers," I flicked through the pages as we headed back to the desk. "How much?"
"$5.50, mate."
I handed him the cash after digging it out from my wallet and picked up the book from the counter. I knocked on the wood in thanks before walking out of the book shop.
I puffed my cheeks as I breathed out. Now, I just had to find some pretty ribbon.
I chewed on the gum of my bottom lip as I filtered the smooth gold ribbon through my fingers. I inhaled sharply as I pressed it against the spine of her favourite book, wrapping it around the middle of the book. As I picked up Eden's engagement ring and laid it against the page, I looped each end of the gold ribbon through the ring and tied a single gentle knot underneath the ring so that the ribbon will simply fall against the page gracefully when the ring is picked up.