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In which a love morally forbidden by society becomes to potent to ignore.
"I love you, Eden."
"I love you, Huxley."
Previously titled 'White Ca...
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"Huxley, stop!" I laughed as he tickled me. I pushed him away and ran down the hall giggling. I could hear his laughter as I ran inside Gracie's room. I looked around in haste, inwardly groaning.
Why doesn't she have anywhere good to hide in her room?
I heard his footsteps outside and quickly ran to her bed. I laid down on my back and quickly slid under the bed. I turned my head over, only to slap my hand over my mouth to hold in my giggles when I saw my best friends old movie collection. Man, she was obsessed with our childhood movies and tv shows. It was filled with Barbie, Mermaids, SpongeBob, Hotel Transylvania, Bratz, Tinkerbell. The works. I smiled as an idea popped into my head.
I moved the boxes as quietly as I could and shifted my body as I moved back, careful to watch my belly. I tried to get as far away from the opening under the bed. I shifted the boxes in front of me and got into a relatively more comfortable position. I quiet my breathing, placing my hands on my belly. I smiled, tracing my stomach.
The door creaked open and I placed one hand on my mouth. I was breathing so quietly even a vampire couldn't hear me. "Eden," My best friend whispered into the room. I didn't speak or move. She could be in cahoots with her father and that would mean game over.
No, thank you.
I'd like to let this play out for as long as I could.
She was quiet. I think she was trying to listen for me and see if I would accidentally make any noise. I rolled my eyes.
As if.
After a moment I heard her sigh and close the door. I kept my hand clasped over my mouth. "She's not in there," Gracie spoke on the other side of the door. My mouth dropped agape.
I knew it.
That traitor.
How did he bribe her?
"Dammit," My boyfriend sighed. "Where could she be?"
"Who knows? She could be anywhere," She scoffed. "You know she's gonna play this out until you give up and she wins, right?"
"I know, she's always been good at this game," He groaned. "I don't really care anymore. I just want to have her in my arms."
I silently awed, my stomach turning with butterflies.
Or maybe that's just the baby.
I heard Gracie gag as their footsteps transcend down the hall while my boyfriend and my best friend continued to look for me. I smiled, moving the box and carefully sliding out from under the bed. I placed the boxes back in their spots and walked out of the room. I see Huxley looking around in the laundry. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him from behind, "I win."
He turned and shook his head, fighting a smile. "Yes, you do." He snaked his arms around me, pulling me close as he looked down at me, "How are my babies?"
I smiled gleefully as I played with the ends of his hair, "We're fine. Thank you," I caressed his cheek.
"Come on," Huxley said eagerly as he grabbed my hand and I laughed. "Where are we going?"
We entered the living room and he sat me down on the couch. I crossed my legs and watched him as he spoke, "What do you want to watch?"
"Really?" I giggled, raising my eyebrows.
"Anything you want, stunning." He opened the cabinet to shift through the DVDs.
I grinned before shouting from my spot, "Gracie." Her feet thumped as she walked out from wherever she was.
"Yeah?" She said as she came into the living room and plopped herself on the couch next to me.
"Any suggestions," I nodded my head towards the DVDs in the cabinet.
"Alvin and the Chipmunks," The words left her mouth so quickly I was worried she was going to get whiplash. I squealed and clapped my hands. I placed my hands on my thighs and sat up straight, "Yes, please. Please, baby."
Huxley smiled and shook his head as he looked through the cabinet. I looked at my best friend and shrug my shoulders in delight. Huxley took the DVD out of its case and placed it in the PS4.
Huxley grabbed the console, pressed play and placed it on the coffee table in front of us as he sat in between me and Gracie. I cuddled up into his side, laying my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arm around his torso as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
Alvin and the Chipmunks started and I grinned so hard my cheeks started to hurt.
I bet I look like a chipmunk.
Huxley gazed down at me and smiled, merriment sparkling in his eyes. "You excited, my stunning?"
I grinned and nodded as Huxley tightened his grip around me and pulled me impossibly closer. I smiled in content as I watched Alvin, Simon and Theodore shove nuts into a tree while they sang. I giggled. My baby Theo was just too cute for his own good.
As the people cut down the tree I look over at Gracie, who's texting on her phone. Her cheeks flushed and I smirked at her as I rest my head on Huxley's chest in a position where he couldn't see if I was looking at the TV or not. I clear my throat and snuggle into my boyfriend's chest.
"You okay?" Huxley asked as he glanced down at me. I smiled softly and nodded my head. I look back at Gracie, a smirk pulling at my lips as I raise my eyebrows. My best friend looks at me and freezes. I wiggled my eyebrows, biting my lip to force back a laugh. Gracie glares at me and shakes her head. Her eyes said a very simple, 'don't you dare.'
I made a face that said 'okay,' and turned back to watch the movie. I giggled as I watched Alvin, Simon and Theodore make a mess in Dave's kitchen.
Huxley stroked my cheek and I looked up, glee dancing in my eyes. His gorgeous chocolate eyes bore into mine and filled me with the love in his.