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1. feel like forever

BQOTD: How's life?



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Have you ever fallen for someone you shouldn't?

Someone that's not yours to fall for?

It's horrible and selfish. I know.

Those thoughts wracked my head all the time but I can't control it and I can't stop it. And no matter how hard I tried to wish those feelings away, they just don't seem to disappear. If anything, each time I try they get stronger.

It's becoming so intense that it's starting to consume my entire being. I don't want to have these feelings. I don't. It makes an awful and selfish human being for having them but they never seem to go away.

Maybe it has something to do with being around him a lot. It has to be that. It has to.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and looked at my surroundings. My suitcase was on my bed, packed and ready to go. When I started having these feelings, I'd written it off as a schoolgirl crush. But, as they continued to grow I needed to get away, to separate myself. I asked my parents if I could accept my aunt Ivana's invitation and spend the summer with her, my uncle and my cousins. I knew I had to get out so these feelings could wear off and prevent any damage from happening.

The ache drumming in my heart let me know I'm doing the right thing because I hated it and I didn't want to go.

I let out a breath, grabbed my suitcase and my purse with my phone, lip balm and wallet. I placed the strap on my shoulders and held the bottom of it in my fingers as I walked down the hallway, pulling my suitcase into the living room. My blood raced as I saw people I wasn't expecting: a very, very angry best friend and her annoyingly handsome father.

Fuck. This wasn't going the way I planned. "Fuck you, universe," I cursed incoherently under my breath, putting my suitcase down beside me. The action of my mouth moving didn't go unnoticed as my best friend, Gracie, narrowed her eyes at me.

"You're leaving!" She screamed at me, barely containing her anger. Man, she's really fucking angry.

"Gracie, sweetie," I said sweetly, "your ears are turning pink." I locked my fingers together and let my hands rest in front of me comfortably.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Gracie's dad, Huxley King, raise an eyebrow and I felt my heart beat a little faster.

Stop it, Eden. Don't be selfish. This is wrong.

"Don't be a condescending bitch and pull a Tinkerbell joke on me, Eden. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Because drama queen—" Gracie cut me off with a gasp, horrified and offence crawling onto her face. "I am not a drama queen." She shifted her weight onto one side of her body and tapped the foot that isn't holding any weight, her arms still crossed.

STUNNING LOVE 18+ (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now