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26. you horny fucks



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I hummed as I grabbed out the ingredients to make omelettes.

I cracked a few eggs into a bowl, adding some milk before whisking it with a fork. I threw in some diced tomatoes, diced onion and chopped spring onion. I mixed it together and grabbed out a medium-sized pan and placed it on the stove.

Turning on the stove I grabbed out a butter knife, placing it on top of the butter container. I scraped some butter onto the knife and dropped it into the pan. I manoeuvred the pan around as the butter melted to get even coverage.

Pouring a third of the mixture into the pan, I took out an omelette spatula and set it on the bench along with the fork and butter knife.

I let the omelette mixture simmer and filled the kettle so I could boil it and do up a cup of fresh coffee for Huxley and Gracie and a cup of tea for me. I placed another frying pan, a large one, on the stove and turned the heat knob on high.

I poured some oil in and placed nine pieces of shortcut bacon inside, setting aside the three that didn't fit. I looked over at the omelette, turning the sides with a spatula to check if they're ready to be flipped.

Not yet. A little longer.

I grabbed out a flat spatula and propped it against the handle of the frying pan with the bacon inside it. I grabbed out three plates, placing them on the countertop. I walked back to the pans and I flipped the bacon in the large pan.

I grabbed the spatula for the omelette to check if the omelettes were ready when arms snaked around my waist making me jump. I turn my head back and I'm faced with gorgeous chocolate eyes gazing down into my own.

"You scared me." I pouted and blinked twice.

His luscious lips curled into a cute grin as he kissed my cheek, "Good morning."

I smiled and I'm sure the colour rose-tinted my cheeks. I pecked his lips quickly and turned my attention back to the omelette I was making. I used the spatula and flipped half of the omelette over the other.

"Can you hand me a plate please?" Huxley's hands left my hips as I tidied up the inside of the pan. I grabbed the plate Huxley handed to me and set them to the side.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, my stunning."

I scooped up the omelette and placed it on the plate. I gave it back to Huxley who put it back on the bench. I put more butter into the pan and he handed me the bowl with the egg mixture and I poured another third into the pan. I set the bowl to the side and turned to Huxley.

"Can you grab out a plate and put a paper towel on it and then place the bacon on it." He nodded and did exactly what I asked. "Oh, and can you spray a little more oil and do the last three pieces, please?"

"Sure, stunning."

I grabbed out three mugs and set them on the counter. I grabbed a teabag from the cupboard and placed it in my cup. I grabbed out the sugar jar and place two teaspoons in each cup. I also got out the grounded coffee and scooped some into Huxley and Gracie's cups.

"Can you flip the omelette please?" I asked as I poured coffee into one of the mugs.

Huxley hummed in response and I heard cluttering behind me so I assumed he was checking on the omelette. I grabbed a plate without an omelette on it and I placed it on the countertop next to the stove where he was cooking.

I poured coffee into another cup and placed the pot back before pouring hot water into my cup. I poured milk into each cup and placed one in front of a plate. I sighed as I chucked six pieces of toast into the ridiculously large toaster appliance and grabbed the plate filled with the twelve pieces of bacon.

I was exhausted and I wanted to have a nap. I leaned against the bench and closed my eyes. Only a second later, I felt arms wrap around me and a firm body in front of me. I smiled and opened my eyes.

I smiled, "Hi."

"Hi, stunning." His lips pressed against mine soft and firm. I moaned softly l and pressed my lips against in the same way. I felt his hands trace my hips as he probed his tongue into my mouth. Sighing in content, I gripped the back of his neck firmly and pulled his lips closer.

The toaster dings and the pieces of toast pop up. I pull away from his lips. "The toast is done."

"So?" He began to trail kisses down my neck and onto my collarbone.

"I need to go get them." I rolled my eyes playfully and moved towards the toaster but big hands gripped my hips tighter to prevent me from going.

"Huxley," I whined a little. At least the pregnancy hormones are starting to kick in.

"Is it wrong for a man to want to hold his girlfriend?" He ran his hands up and down my arm.

"Yes. Because said man is stopping his pregnant girlfriend from eating." I said. "I want food."

Huxley chuckled and gently let go of me. I grabbed the pieces of toast and carried them to the table with the plates. "Hot, hot, hot." I quickly placed two pieces down on each place, shaking my hand after I put the bread down.

Ow. Pain.

"The bitch." I winced as Huxley took my hand in his, taking a close look at my fingers. He placed a delicate kiss on my fingertips and rubbed them gently.

"Aww." Gracie cooed from the entrance of the kitchen. "You guys are so cute. Yet, nauseating at the same time. Funny how that works." She said, grabbing one of the cups of coffee.

Huxley grinned and stood behind, once again wrapping his arms around my waist. He buried his face into my neck and I rolled my eyes as a smile teased my lips. "So how's your morning been?" Gracie asked taking a sip of her coffee.

Huxley pressed his lips gently against the skin of my neck. My smile widened slightly. "It's been alright. Just been making breakfast. A couple of kisses here and there." I said jokingly as Huxley started sucking on my neck. I cleared my throat lightly. "You know, the usual."

Huxley nipped the skin of my neck making me yelp. He chuckled and tightened his arms around my body. "Jesus," I said softly, my cheeks turning a light pink.

I looked up to see Gracie staring at us weirdly. "What?" I asked her.

"Is he like hard or something?" She asked taking another sip of coffee, a perplexed look on her face.

Huxley's face shot up to meet with his daughter's. "What, no."

Gracie raised an eyebrow, not for a second caring that this was her father she was talking to. "God, I could feel the subtle sexual tension from over here. The girl's already knocked up. Calm down, you horny fucks."

I had to place my hand over my mouth to stop the laughter from coming out as Huxley hid his face in my neck in embarrassment and mumbled, "Oh my god."

I chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. In return, he placed a kiss on my neck and I smiled blissfully.

"Well, I take this as my cue to fuck off. So," Gracie says as she places the freshly cooked bacon onto a plate that already had an omelette on it before turning the stove off. "I'm gonna just take the food and coffee that you so generously made, to go. Feel free to fuck in here, just disinfect afterwards." Gracie was halfway out the door before she turned around again. "I would say use a condom but you're already pregnant, so there's not much use for that."

"Gracie!" I screamed, covering my mouth with my hands. Huxley just gently banged his head against my shoulder repeatedly as if it was a brick wall.

Gracie smirked, lifting her cup in a salute. "Bye guys."


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