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31. took a sip



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I watched as the people around the table ate and chattered. I heard the clatter of knives and forks against the glass plates.

I stole glances with Huxley every now and then. Every time I would catch his eye I blushed and looked down afterwards. It was really hard not to look at him. He was so handsome it made my belly flutter.

Or maybe that's just the baby.

I put a fork of pasta bake in my mouth and savoured the taste. I caught a glance with my aunt and she looked at me as she smirked.

"So, gorgeous," Ivana said. "What have you been doing up here?"

I swallowed my food before answering. Priorities, you know. "Well, since it's break, not much really. Gracie and I have been here and watching movies. Barbie, Alvin and the Chipmunk."

I mean it's not a total lie.

"Mmhm," Ivana said. She took a sip of her wine and began eating some of her food.

"So, diamond. Are you seeing anyone?" My uncle asked.

I looked up at him quickly. "Uh no. Why?"

"We can set you up with someone if you'd like." My cousin, Leo, said.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Huxley tense at Leo's words. I gave a small smile at the action. He was jealous. Well, he had nothing to be worried about because I was not going anywhere.

"Thanks but that's really not necessary, I-"

Levi cut me off. "No, no. It's okay. I got a friend back home who'd be interested."

My heart started to feel heavy. I shook my head. "No, I-I-I really don't-"

They cut me off again, speaking in unison. "It's completely fine."

"It's time for you to get out there." My aunt said before a smug questioning look formed on her face. "Unless there's a reason you don't want to."

My uncle spoke, not a moment later. "If they hurt you and you want someone to beat them up, let me know."

It felt like the walls were closing in on me. "I-"

I was cut off again. This time by my mum. "Yeah honey, it would be nice for you to finally start seeing someone."

"I agree, sweetie, you need to get out more. You can't just shut yourself in. It's not healthy." My dad said.

My breaths were starting to become short. My heart was heavy and beating fast. It felt like my throat was closing in on me. My hands were fidgety and shaky. I couldn't process my thoughts. I couldn't breathe.

STUNNING LOVE 18+ (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now