Storming the Warehouse

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Tommy looked at Tubbo for a good minute or so, the pair staring.

"Greetings, Tommy," Tubbo said.


"What's happened to those shockpads I gave you?"

Tommy paled and tried an awkward smile. "Hey, Toby, you are, like, my best friend in the whole world, you know? I love and trust you, and would never, ever upset you deliberately. We're partners-in-arms and nothing will ever come between us. You're great."

"Why were the shockpads I gave you in the bin, Tommy?"

The blond's nervous smile started cracking under pressure and, despite being a good ten inches taller, Tommy suddenly felt very small and puny under Tubbo's glare. "Well... I was scared they wouldn't work, y'know..."

Tubbo crossed his arms, scowling. "But I made them."

"That... may have been the base of my fear."

The shorter one gasped in offense and gave Tommy the stongest glare possible. "I am an incredible engineer, thank you!"

"I know but..." Tommy wet his lips awkwardly. "They haven't been tested before. I didn't want to, like, kill anyone, y'know?"

Tubbo glared a little more but eventually softened with a sigh. "I know. I haven't tried using them either."

Tommy's fear drained into sympathy and he went to rub his small friends' back. "Hey, it's okay. Your tech is so incredible, I'm sure the shockpads work great. We just don't have anyway to test them."

"You didn't have to bin them, though..."

The blond flinched a little. "I know. I just thought it would be the best way to get rid of vigilante evidence. Like, what if we got a visitor or a search happened? We'd be screwed over so quick."

Tubbo nodded. "I know. I just really think they'd work."

"Well, how are we gonna test that? On me? On you? What if they affect hybrids and biomagicians differently? There's no way we can know."

"We can find out?" Tubbo turned to him. "Tonight?"

Tommy blinked. "Tonight?"

"Well, yeah. The warehouse. Remember, bossman?"

The taller vigilante frowned. "We're still going to do that? You and Ranboo were spotted, they'll be on high alert."

"It's best to catch them before they move, though," Tubbo urged. "If they know we've seen them, they're gonna try and run. We need to catch them before that can happen."

Tommy hesitated. On one hand, Tubbo had a good point. If these people ran, it could bring forth chaos. The motivation of the group hadn't been figured out yet, not even by the best of Tubbo's deciphering software, which left the possibilites open to nearly anything: drug trade; weapon smuggling; trafficking. Tommy knew that human trafficking was an issue all around the world and, only a decade ago, L'Manburg had been a hotspot for it until the Crow Father managed to take the most prevelant organisation down. However, finding a room of scared, kidnapped children didn't particuarly bode well...

"I guess... I guess that makes sense, but..." Tommy trailed off, glancing to a door on the far left wall. Ranboo's room. "Would Ranboo be up for that? What's his night looking like?"

Tubbo hummed. "I talked to him about that, actually. He's called into work, saying he's feeling kinda ill and wants to take a night's rest so he can get better again. Right now, he's sleeping so he can be awake for it if you say yes."

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