The Incident in The Alley

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Just a very quick note! Please read this before I get any angry comments: because both cc!Ranboo and cc!Tubbo have confirmed their characters - I stress 'characters' here - are in a romantic relationship on the DSMP, they are portrayed as romantic in this fic. It can be interpreted as queer-platonic if that would make you feel more comfortable and they'll refer to each other as 'partner' instead of 'boyfriend'.

Nothing from the relationship will cross the creators' boundaries in any way and their relationship will not be a heavy focus. I just thought I ought to tell my readers quickly in order to enforce the 'don't like, don't read' policy. I reiterate again that this will not be a focus in the story, nor will it affect the plot and characters in any way.

Simply, for this fic, the beeduo characters are in a romantic/queer-platonic relationship and you can take that how you will.

Now, sorry for the long note! Let's get into your fanfic :)

TW: Attempted mugging

Ranboo woke up at eight in the evening. He could hear Tubbo humming loudly outside and the TV blaring. With a groan, he rolled over and rubbed his eyes, yawning loudly with exhaustion. Reluctantly, he pulled off his duvet and crawled out of bed, shivering slightly in the chilly air. Most nights, he'd wake up a little later, after a much longer sleep but, alas, Tommy had been very determined to use the hybrid as his personal taxi on a daily basis recently.

With another loud yawn, Ranboo stretched his arms high above his head, grimacing. He walked out of his bedroom, slumped a little, and blinked in the harsh, bright light of the living room.

Tubbo was lounging on the sofa, scrolling idly on his phone, and looked up when his partner emerged. "Hey, Ranboo," He greeted, with a fond smile. "You look awful."

"Shut it," Ranboo groaned, walking over to him. "I don't wanna work today."

The smallers' smile widened and reached up for the hybrid, gently tugging him down onto the sofa next to him. "Call in sick. We can re-watch The Office, or go on a walk. Nothing vigilante about it; just me and you."

"Honestly, it sounds lovely," Ranboo sighed, leaning his head on top of Tubbo's. "But I called in sick last night to help with the warehouse thing. I don't want to call in ill too often."

"It won't be suspicious," Tubbo tried, wrapping one arm around Ranboo so he could hug his partner while still looking through Twitter. "I mean, you're 'sick' and need one more night to recover." He looked up with a cheeky grin. "You may even need three!"

Ranboo smiled a little, settling down closer into Tubbo's embrace. "I don't want to start seeming like I'm slacking, though. I want this job, remember?"

"It's not slacking if you are in desperate need of recovery!" Tubbo replied peppily. "You might be dying for all they know. And you totally are. And your dying wish is to re-watch The Office with me one last time."

The hybrid raised an eyebrow. "Not so sure that's my dying wish."

"It is now."

"Whatever," Ranboo sighed, amused, and closed his eyes softly. "Ugh, you are, really, such a bad influence."

"Mm, yes, I am. Now close your eyes and sleep. I'll wake you up after I called your work to say you can't come in." His voice was quieter then, soft and warm like a lullaby. He even began to gently stroke Ranboo's head, running his fingertips through his hair rhythmically. It was, all in all, very sleep-inducing.

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