we are powerless [literally] (tomarry)

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The dark brown carpet was plush and warm underneath his sock covered feet. There was a familiarity that came from the color, reminding him of the dark hair that sat on his flatmates head.

Perhaps he took too much notice of his flatmate, but who was to tell him that he? Certainly not him.
Not that he had feelings for him or anything, it wasn't like that between him and Tom. Tom was stoic and quiet and impassive and Harry was-
Well, Harry was Harry. Clumsy, loud-

He could hear the water rushing in the bathroom down the hall, a reminder that his flatmate was currently taking a very hot shower. The sound of the water ran through the pipes, making them shift loudly every so often. 
He heard the kettle in the kitchen as the water began to heat up. He would give it just a few more minutes.

He enjoyed the warmth that radiated from the heater as he played a game on his phone.
He shifted the throw blanket over his shoulders, making sure that the material wouldn't slip off of him.

It was rather cold outside and, although they had the heater on, the chill seemed to seep into the flat, making him shiver.

Still, Harry tried to find warmth the easiest way he could, and that meant sitting close to the heater on the thick carpet. He did his best to distract himself with his game, which was, unfortunately for him, a horror game.

Five Nights at Freddy's was scary as it was... and animatronics gave him the heebie-jeebies.
Harry shivered again, though, this time, it wasn't because of the cold.

He became absorbed in the game, clicking furiously as he checked the cameras.
A flash of red appeared and he let out a startled sound as he lowered the in-game tablet, shutting the doors. He watched as the battery decreased, but the time changed from 4 am to 5 am.

"C'mon..." he pleaded, flashing the light on the door.
He shook his head at the sight of Foxy, letting out a sigh of relief as the animatronic disappeared after a while.
"Just a little longer! Hold on!"
Desperately, he pressed at the buttons by the doors, doing his best to stay alive.

It was then that the lights flickered before completely shutting off, leaving Harry in complete darkness. The heater beside him made a quiet sound before it too began to shut off.

"NO!" He gasped, jumping at the sudden sound.
He was alone, completely and utterly alone in the dark.... AND it was cold outside.
How could his luck get any worse?

He frowned and looked back at his phone, taking notice of the battery before the in-game lights, just like his own, went out. He cursed loudly and willed the time to change from 5 am to 6.
He watched as Freddy's eyes glowed and his silhouette appeared.


Out of the darkness behind him, a hand grabbed at his shoulder the very moment a scream and jumpscare erupted from the game.
Harry let out a loud scream as he dropped his phone, his heart racing in his chest. The throw blanket slid from around his shoulders and onto the floor.

"BLOODY FUCKING HELL TOM!" He gasped, covering his face with his hands before dragging them down. "Can you NOT do that?!"
The glow from his phone revealed a portion of Tom's crouched figure along with an evil smile that rested on his face.

"I was simply getting your attention."

"Did a cruddy job of it." He said, forcing himself to calm down. He picked the blanket off the ground and wrapped it around himself, holding it with his left hand.
"In case you haven't noticed, Harry, the power is out, and so is the heater."

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