when in gotham (bruce wayne/harry potter & edward nashton/harry potter)

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hear me out guys... this was super all over the place but i really wanted to push it out! I plan on making another short part of just... special time between bruce and harry.

warning for explicit riddler/harry.

Harry just doesn't feel the same rush anymore.
Maybe it's the creeping depression that comes with catching fewer and fewer criminals every week. There's no adrenaline, no feeling of accomplishment. What's the point anymore?
...What else is there to do but turn to Gotham?

He just never spared any thoughts about the vigilante who's always one step ahead (...or about the mastermind behind all the riddles).

The Gotham police department was full of ambience.
Well, at nightfall, that is.

Once the sun was down, the city became worse than anything Harry had ever known.

There was always a phone ringing somewhere and officers bustling to and from their desks, bouncing between taking calls and jotting down incidents. Sometimes some of the officers took off to the underground parking lot in pursuit of freshly discovered criminals.
The loud complaints of the prisoners in the small cells within the department always gave him a headache, so he had always made sure to have medication on hand in case it became severe.

How did anyone concentrate here?

It was much different here than back home.
He had used guns in the past before, sure. In fact, he'd been trained to in the case of an emergency, but it wasn't something he was... well,  accustomed to.

Americans were truly something else.

Not only did the police force use firearms, but so did the citizens, who had begun to turn on one another.

All too often there were calls of shootings in the city- mainly the portion that housed apartments, but the streets themselves were never devoid of the chaos.

He didn't mind taking these calls and quelling the violence. He always tried to handle them in his own way, but he had to learn very quickly that not everyone was against being violent; on several occasions, Harry had to force himself to push past his former training.

It was exhausting, but by god did it keep him going.

There was something about Harry that he never talked about, something he never shared.
An addiction.
An addiction of the adrenaline pumping through his veins when pursuing criminals, of the satisfaction that came with bringing the bad to the good. It was why he'd moved to Gotham in the first place.

Gotham news had always circulated on the internet. From the new data of high crime rates and the work of a vigilante man, Gotham was a name anyone could recognize.
It was what made Harry change his mind about staying in the U.K.. Who cares about petty squabbles with childhood bullies when he could really make a change, here, in Gotham?

Then his addiction began to alter itself over the time he spent here.

Although initially shy with new people, he was good at talking. He liked talking, really, especially to the people who caught and had to bring back to the station. He often did it back then, talking criminals out of new crimes because there was always something that could be done.
Doing something bad didn't make someone evil, it was something he firmly believed in.

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