18. Liam

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Liked by niallhoran, harrystyles, zayn, arianagrande, louist95 and 1,494,691 others liampayne I am honoured to announce that I am the new Ambassador for @hugo_official It was a pleasure working with them and I can't wait to show you what we are wo...

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Liked by niallhoran, harrystyles, zayn, arianagrande, louist95 and 1,494,691 others
liampayne I am honoured to announce that I am the new Ambassador for @hugo_official It was a pleasure working with them and I can't wait to show you what we are working on 🤍

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hugo_official It's pleasure that you are our new Ambassador, can't wait to show the world the amazing things we are planning
liamtomlinson I am so excited for our collaboration! It's going to be amazing

louisworlds I love Hugos clothes
liamtomlinson Me too, that's why I am so excited I am working with them

zayn I am so unbelieably proud of you Liam
liamtomlinson Thank so much Zayn ❤

ponytailqueen I didn't know Ariana knew Liam

louisistheonlyone Still hard to believe you are Louis younger brother, I mean you do and don't look alike. You are both Gorgeous though 😍😍

kysliamtommo You don't deserve anything you have, you are only famous because of Louis
liamjtomlinson Excuse me but I was a fan of Liam first and then learnt Louis was his brother, so what you are saying is irrelavant

louist95 So proud of my baby bro! I love you so much ❤
liamtomlinson Thank you Lou, love you more ❤

ihatethetommobros Eeewww these two are so disgusting... They say they love each other like they are in a relationship, I wouldn't be surprised if they were to be honest
lilobros_love What the fuck are you talking about? They are freaking brothers of course they love each other and they will say it.... You are so weird!

niallhoran So so proud of you Li ❤
liamtomlinson Thank you so much Ni ❤

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