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Liked by harrystyles, arianagrande, liamtomlinson, louist95, zayn and 1,743,241 others niallhoran The queen is here 👑 @arianagrande
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highnotequeen She is so beautiful, I love that queen so much
myloveari Look his cute she is I can't 🥺
petedavidson My beautiful gorgeous girlfriend 😍😍😍
harianagrande Ugh! I can't with Pete for some reason he always does something to prove that Ariana is his girlfriend
arianagrande Aaawww Niall ❤️ Also you didn't told me you will post this 😩
alwaysgrande I love how everyone keeps calling her queen 😂🥰
nialljameshoran Niall is such fangirl over Ariana it's is cute to see
ziall4life Niall I need you to post this kind of photos with Zayn too
harrystyles Why don't I have this special treatment when we are together? | niallhoranOnly my king and my queen getbthisbkimd of treatment! @zayn @arianagrande | zayn Aaaw you are my king too Niall ❤️ Love you ❤️ | arianagrande Aaww you are so cute Niall thank you ❤️