Part 1

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My name is Tosca Skye. I'm 19 and live in Omaha Nebraska. I'm a trust fund baby so I live in a huge house with my three roommates Syd, Alaska and Lia. We live next store to Omahas bad boys Nate Maloley, Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson. They where all pretty fucking hot. I'm not really a bag girl. I can be when I want or when I'm around certain people

"T we're here" Syd says snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up to see we're at the Walmart. It was mine and Syds turn to shop and I wasn't a fan of grocery shopping so I kinda just pushed the cart as Syd gets everything we need.

We walked inside Walmart and I grabbed the cart. I followed Syd threw some isles when I remembered I needed some new makeup and basically anything I wanted because I had a big trust fund with a lot of money that's ready to be spent

"Hey I'm gonna go to the makeup isle" I tell Syd and she nods. I walk threw the store and too the makeup isle. I get new mascara, eyeliner, cover up, foundation, lipstick, nail polish and perfume. I had to grab when of the little baskets so I wouldn't drop anything. I was looking at the eyeshadow when I got a text from Syd saying she was at the front. As I was putting my phone away I ran into someone making me drop it. I look up to see one of Omahas bad boys and one of my neighbours Sammy Wilkinson

"Aren't you my neighbour" he says as I look down to grab my phone too see he also dropped his and they where both white and gold iPhone 6s. I grabbed mine and nodded then passed him his "wait I went to high school with you. Your trust fund baby" he says as I nod and smile at the nickname. In high school I was known as trust fund baby because I got half my trust fund when I was 17 "that explains all the makeup" he says

"Uh I gotta go, I'll see you around" I say as I walk away. I look back to see him smirking at me. I ignore him and go to the check out where sydney was. As the cashier was half way don't scanning the groceries when I caught Sammys glossy red eyes staring at me. He smirked at me then looked away as he walked out. Once I bought all my stuff me and Syd went home.

When we got there I went in my room and tried to turn on my phone so I just plugged it in

^Sammys POV^

When I got home I went on my phone but it wasn't mine. It didn't have a code so I unlocked it and went on the photos. I saw a lot of pictures of weed and a girl doing tokes then I saw a nude. I clicked on it and realized it was our Neighbour Tosca. She was pretty fucking hot especially in that picture

"Sammy what are you looking at?" Jack asks (Jack G is called Jack and Jack J is called Jj). I completely forgot I was in the living room with him Jj and nate

"You know our one neighbour. The one we went to high school with that everyone called Trust fund baby" I ask and they all nod "well I ran into her at Walmart and I dropped my phone and she dropped hers and I grabbed hers and I kinda found her nudes" I say as I look threw her other pictures

"Isn't she the girl who's boyfriend leaked her nudes and like sent it too everyone so she fucked his best friend" Jj says as nate lights a joint

"I'm pretty sure" I reply as I lock her phone "okay I'm gonna go give it back" I say as I stand up

"Her windows across from mine just knock on her window" nate says as they all stand up

"So now we're all gonna go give her her phone back threw the window. We aren't gonna look wired at all" I say as we all start to walk up too Nates room

^Toscas POV^

As my phone was charging i changed into really short booty shorts that showed the some of bottom of my butt checks and a crop top I then grabbed my bong and packed the bowl. I put the lighter near the bowl and sucked in making it burn the weed. After a few seconds I took out the bowl and sucked in the rest of the smoke. As I exhaled I heard my neighbours window open

"Tosca" a voice said. I walked over to my window to see all four of Omahas bad boys

"Yes" I say as I look at them awkwardly

"I grabbed your phone when I ran into you at Walmart" sammy says as he holds out my phone. I grab it the. Walk over and grab his "you shouldn't save your nudes by the way" he says making me look at him

"You looked threw my photos?" I ask him and he nods

"I also saw that you smoke weed" sammy says and I nod

"If you need any I could hock you up" nate says. I walk over and grab the huge baggy of weed in my drawer. I shower then then put it down

"Thanks but in good for awhile" I say

"I like your shorts" Jack says. I look down to see what shorts I was wearing

"Of course you like them their more like underwear" I say

"So like are the rumours true" Jj asks

"There's many rumours about me" I say

"The one about how Kyle sent out your nudes in high school so you fucked his best friend" Jj says specifically

"Didn't you see the nudes?" I ask them and they all nod "that parts true but I wouldn't fuck his best friend. That's pretty low" I say and they all nod again

"If you want you can come over and like chill" sammy says

"And wear those shorts" Jack Gilinsky says

"Can I bring my friends?" I ask

"Are they girls?" Nate asks

"Yes" I reply

"Sure" Jj says

"Okay I'm gonna get changed and then we'll be over" I say as I close my window

She has light brown hair that goes to the medial of her back. She has Hazel eyes and big boobs and a big ass for being white. Her hight is just below average and same with her weight

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