Part 17

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^a few days later^

Instead of me going to rehab Jaxs is letting me stay at the club house so I'm never alone and I'll be able to see everyone. He says that I'm always gonna have a prospect with me too so I can't get into trouble.

Jaxs ordered a lockdown so everyone was at the club house. It was around 9pm and I decided to have a nap because I've been really tired lately


I woke up to being shaken. I open my eyes and see Chibs with a look of panic on his face

"We have to get out now" he says as he pulls me up and runs towards the door. He pushes me out and I run to Nate who was holding wolf

"Where Tyla" I ask

"Mikas-" he starts by Tig grabs is both and makes us bend down when all of a sudden the club house exploded I look back to see the club house on fire. I run over and check on the little ones

^a month later^

We're going back to LA. Rockwell, Nina and Milly are staying in charming. Lila is taking custody of them. Everyone thought it was a good idea because me and Nate are only 20 we have seven month old twins and they said we shouldn't be having to take care of three other little kids. So now it's only me Nate the twins and the triplets

^in LA^

When we got home Sammy and the jacks invited all of Nates friends over. I let them all. There's Taylor Caniff who I already met, Nash Grier, Matthew Espinosa, Carter Reynolds, Shawn Mendes, Aaron Carpenter and Cameron Dallas. They where all different ages so Nash, Matt, Shawn and Arron being the youngest ones mainly hung out with the triplets.

When we where in Charming Sammy and the Jacks took over until Nate came back. Rita was still the maid and nanny so she took the twins so I could hang out with everyone.

When I checked the time it was 11:55pm which meant the triplets would be 16 in five minutes. I waited until it was time and said happy birthday and told them I would give them their presents when we wake up. I knew we weren't going to bed anytime soon

^Mikas POV^

I was hanging out with my brothers Matt, Nash, Aaron and Shawn. They all where really nice and I really liked Matt. And I don't just mean like as in friends I mean I actually like him. I met him before we left when I was at the mall with our friends. I never got his number and he didn't get mine because when Jj got there to pick us up my friends dragged me away towards the car. He kept looking at me and smiling which would make me smile too

"Mika" Miles says snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah" I reply

"We're going to the game room. Do you wanna come?" He asks and I shake my head no "Matt are you coming?" He asks Matt

"No I'm gonna stay with Mika" he replies and I feel myself blushing so I look at my feet. Miles just shrugs and walks away with Max, Aaron, Shawn and Nash

"Wanna go on the trampoline?" I ask him and he nods. I lead him to the backyard where the trampolines are. We just jumped around and had fun. When he turned around I lightly smacked him and ran off. I heard him laugh then chance after me.

I was running when I felt his arms around my waist. He pulled me towards him and I squealed. He turned me around so I was facing him. I was looking up at him and he was looking down at me. He wasn't that much taller then me. When j was standing straight the top of my head was at his chin

He started leaning in when we heard laughing. We pulled apart and saw miles and the others walking over

"I thought you guys where on the trampoline" Miles says and we both shrug. Everyone started walking towards the trampoline and I was in the back when Max and Miles stopped me "what was that?" Miles asks

"what's was what?" I reply playing dumb

"You and Matt-" Max starts but Miles finishes off the sentence for him

"Being all close"

"Yeah. When we walked up you almost kissed" Max adds

"You guys just met" Miles says

"Okay one this isn't an I interrogation and I met him before" I say and they both look at me with confusion

"When" they say in sync

"Before we went to charming. I met him at the mall. I didn't get his numbers because my friends dragged me away when Jj got there to pick us up" I explain to them and they both look at me. I could tell they both knew something and we're keeping it from me "tell me" I say and they both just look away "I'm your triplet. I know when your lying" I say and they look at each other then at me

"He's a player. He gets with girls then doesn't talk to them again. He dates some but cheats on them. He'll make you feel special then get with you and never talks to you again" Max explains

"How do you know all this?" I ask them

"Because the guys told us. They told us to watch out for you" Miles tells me

"Ill be-" I start

"Fine" they both finish

"Your our triplet. You think you'll be fine but we both know you won't" Max says

"Okay. I won't get involved with him like that" I tell them

"Promise" we all say. They meant it as a question and I meant it as a promise

Mika is kinda short her weight is bellow average. She has dark brown hair that goes to the middle of her back and blue eyes. Her usual makeup is the same as Toscas.

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