Part 8

658 11 3

^the next morning^

I woke up to something jumping on me. I was under a blanket with Nate and our lags where twisted together and I was half laying on his chest.

"Wake up!" I hear a little voice yell as Nate takes the blankets off us. I see Nina, Milly and Rockwell jumping on the trampoline

"Tosca" they all yell as they hug me

"Hi munchkins" I say as Nate sits up beside me

"Who's that" Milly asks as she poked Nates hair "I like his hair" she says and I laugh

"That's Nate" I tell her as Milly touches his hair again

"It's feel funny" she says and Nate laughs. He then pokes her blonde hair

"Yours feels funny too" he says and she laughs

"Tosca" Nina whisper yells

"Yeah" I whisper yell back

"Is that your boyfriend?" She whisper yells

"No, he's my best friend" I tell her and she looks at me

"Are you sure he's not your knight in shinning armour?" She whisper yells. I look at Nate to see him smirking

"I don't know yet" I whisper and she smiles at me

"You guys a gross!" Rockwell yells making me laugh

"Where's Sammy and the jacks?" Nate asks

"There playing videos with Miles and Max" Nina tells me

"Oh yeah, dad said that you guys are leaving to go shopping soon" Rockwell tells us. We nod then go in the house

^around 11pm^

The beach house was finally done. Everything was painted and all the furniture was here. My dad even bought us all new phones and clothes. We basically started completely over.

I was in my room making my bed when Leroy walked in. I walked away from him

"we need to talk" he says as I feel a put in my stomachs. I was scared. I haven't been alone with him since we broke up

"No we don't" I reply as I continue backing up until I was against the wall

"Yes we do. About everything." He says

"Please leave me alone" I say as I feel my eyes get watery

"We should get back together" he says and I shake my head no "or I could tell your dad about who actually shot that guy and about your little conversation with Nate" he says and I look at him

"What conversation?" I ask him

"The one you had last night, on the trampoline" he says and I freeze up

"What do you want" I ask him

"I want you to be my girlfriend" he says

"No" I say sternly. He walks towards me then smacks me making me cry

"What did you say" he asks again

"No" I say again. This time he didn't smack me. He punched me making me fall to the floor. He started kicking me in my ribs as sides "Nate!" I scream. He kicks me in the boob as Nate runs in. He sees Leroy and punches him hard enough it knocks him out. He knees down beside me and I see his eyes get watery as he pulls me into his lap

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry" he says as he kisses my forehead "guys!" He yells. The jacks and Sammy run in "go get her dad and one of the guys outside" he says. They nod then run out. A few moments later my dad runs in with two of his guys. He looks at me then looks away

"Nate clean her up. Don't open this door no matter what. Not for me. Not for her siblings. Don't leave." My dad says without looking at me

"Yes sir" Nates says as everyone leave "I'm so sorry. I didn't keep my promise. I'm so sorry" he says as he kisses my forehead. He picks me up and carries me too the bathroom. He sets me on the counter as he pulls out the first aid kit

"He kicks like a bitch" I say and Nate laughs a little

"I'm so sorry" he says as he looks at me

"It wasn't you" I say as I touch my lip which was swollen

"I promised that when he was around I wouldn't leave you alone with him" he says

"You didn't know he came in" I say and he looks down at his feet

"I still feel bad" he says as he grabs my hand "can I see..." He paused "what he did" he finishes. I nod and pull my tank top revealing my already bruised stomach and ribs. He looked for a few seconds then looked away. I put my shirt down then slide off the counter and hug him. He hugs me back and holds me tight "it's almost midnight, we should go to bed" he says and I nod as we go back in my room. He looks my room door the shuts off the light. He crawls in bed next to me. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat

"You smell good" I say

"I think I'm in love with you" he says and I look at him

"Really?" I ask him

"Tosca I think I'm in love with you. I love seeing you everyday and I love giving you good night kisses. I'm in love with everything about you. I'm in love with the way you blush, the way you smile, the way you bite your lip when your concentrating, the way you look when your high, the way you get when I complement you, the way you run your hands threw your hair when your nervous, the way you fit perfectly next to me when we cuddle, the way you look on my clothes. I'm in love with everything that's apart of you" he says as I feel myself smiling a blushing uncontrollable "I love you Tosca" he says and I just smile "please let me be able to call you mine" he asks and I feel myself smile more

"Okay" I say and he smiles then kisses me

"I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world" he says making me blush

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