Part 11

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^two months later^

I've been trying to be distant from Nate. I still haven't told him. I was only showing a bit and I was always wearing flowy shirts or sweaters

"I love you" Nate says as he kisses me

"I love you too" I say as I look back down at my phone I was using

"I'm going to the bathroom and when I come out I'm taking your phone and we're spending time together" he says. I nod. As he locked the door his phone started ringing. It said DD and there was a picture of him kissing the stripper from the hospital

T: hello?
Dd: Hi, who's this?
T: Nates girlfriend
Dd: oh the little slut from the hospital
T: he told me he told you not to call him anymore
Dd: that's funny because last night he called me and he came over
T: you fucking bitch
Dd: don't worry hunny. We had fun
T: stay the fuck away from him and my family

With that I hung up. I threw his phone on the ground. I ran my hands threw my hair as tears started pouring out of my eyes. As I was crying Nate walked out

"Baby what's wrong" he asks as he tries to hug me but I push him away. I get up and stand on the other side of the bed

"I can't believe you" I say as he looks at his phone

"Who where you talking too?" He asks

"Diamond doll. She told me about all the fun you had last night" I tell him and his face drops

"Tosca I'm-" he starts but I cut him off

"I can't fucking believe you! I told you about all the times I've been cheated on and you said you would never do that" I say as he walks towards me and I slap him "you lied and you cheated" I say

"Tosca-" he starts but I cut him off again

"You can't just say your sorry. You fucking cheated. You weren't loyal like you always said you would be" I yell

"Yes I cheated on you because since the car accident you've been so distant! Every time I touch you you tense up, every time I kiss you you barley kiss back. I want to be able to love my girlfriend and show her but you've been avoiding me" he says

"Because-" I start but stop. I'm not telling him like this

"Just I don't want to fight. I'm going to a friends" he says. He grabs his phone then slams my bedroom door shut. I sit on my bed and cry when Sammy walked in

"Hey" he says as he sits beside me "you okay?" He asks

"Nate cheated on me last night" I tell him as he hugs me "I'm pregnant" I blurt out and he lets go of me from the hug and looks at me

"What? How long have you known? How far are you? Does Nate know?" He asks as he stands up

"Two months, three and a half months and no" I reply

"Why haven't you told him? Who knows?" He asks

"I don't know if he wants kids and I'm scared he'll leave me and only Rita" I tell him. I've only told Rita because she's been giving me vitamins and making me food to make sure I have a good diet so the baby will be healthy

"Nates not like that and you have to tell him" he says

"I know but I don't know where he went or when he'll be home" I reply

"I know where he went" Sammy says as he stands up and grabs my hand "you have to tell him now" he says as he pulls me out of my room. As we where getting in the car he called someone "I'm on my way with Nates girlfriend. Don't let him leave. She needs to tell him something" he says then hangs up. We drive for ten minutes then pull up too a big house. We get out and walk to the door. Sammy knocks and waits a few minutes. A boy with a bandana and a tie dye muscle tee answers

"Hey" he says

"Tosca this is our friend Taylor Caniff" he says. I shake Taylor's hand then follows him in

"Who's here?" Nate asks as we walk into this movie room type thing "what the fuck" he says when he sees me

"What hoping I was diamond doll" I asks

"Maybe if you weren't distant and actually let me touch you without getting tense I wouldn't need to have sex with someone else" he says

"When we get in the car crash I found out I almost lost the baby" I blurt out and he looks at me

"What baby?" He asks as he stands up

"Your fucking baby" I say as he runs his hands threw his hair and starts pacing "Oh my god you don't want it. Sammy I told you" I say as I turn around

"No no no no I want it" Nate says. I turn around and see him sitting down on a recliner "it's just" he starts but pauses "we're having a baby. There's a human being in you that's you and me" he says as he smiles like an idiot "and I'm a horrible dad before its even born because I didn't know and I cheated on you" he says

"Me and Sammy will be put back" Taylor says as he walks out side with Sammy closing the door behind them

"Your not a bad dad you didn't know because I didn't tell you" I say as I sit beside him

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks

"I was scared you didn't want kids and leave because when I saw diamond doll I was scared because you can get any girl and we're 19 and I thought you would leave" I say as I feel a tear run down my cheek. He quickly hugs me

"I'm never leaving you. Especially not now" he says as he puts his hand on my stomach "how dare are you?" He asks

"Three and a half months" I say quietly

"Tosca-" he starts but stopped "you should've told me, I would of been home more and helping you" he says "who knows?" He asks

"You, Taylor, Sammy and Rita" I tell him as he randomly hugs me

"We're having a baby" he says making me smile at his excitement "I'm gonna be a dad" he says "wait, is it a boy or a girl?" He asks

"I go for the appointment in two weeks" I reply

"When where you going to tell me?" He asks

"When we pulled up to the pregnancy clinic" I reply. He looks at me then kisses me

"We're having a baby" he says and I smile as well. He kisses me again "do you forgive me?" He asks

"Not completely but a little" I say as he kisses me. He grabs my thighs and picks me up

"Lets go home lil mama" he says making me laugh. He says good bye to Sammy and Taylor then he drives us home. He insisted on carrying me which was fun. He put me on the bed then laid beside me "we're having a baby" he says again as I close my eyes "good night beautiful" he says as he kisses me "I love you" he tells me as he kisses me again

"I somewhat kinda love you" I say and he laughs then kisses my cheek

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