Part 22

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I was going over to Matts. Since he saved me from being raped last night I decided I should give him a chance in us being friends. When I got to his house it was pretty big

"hey" he says as he lets me in

"Hi" I say as I follow him to his room where he had a bottle of Smirnoff

"It's already 8pm wanna get drunk?" He asks. I think about it. At first I thought it would be so he could take advantage of me but then I realized he wouldn't do that after what happened last night

"Sure" I reply. We get absolutely hammered and the last thing I remember is us making out and undressing each other


I woke up with a pounding headache. I rolled over and saw a sleeping Matt.

"Shit" I whisper to myself. I take a deep breath and look under the blankets to see we're both naked. I quickly get changed into my clothes that where scattered around the room. As I walked towards the door it hurt down there. I knew that he took my virginity. When I got outside I walked to the corner and sat on the curb. I pulled out my phone and called Carter

C: hello?
M: hey
C: where were you last night? I called and texted you but you never replied
M: can you come pick me up?
C: sure where are you?
M: I'm on the corner of (street name) and (another street name)
C: what are you doing by matts house?
M: Can you just come get me. I'll explain when you get here
C: okay. I'll be there in a few minutes

With that he hung up. I knew Carter was gonna be pissed about me not only hanging out with Matt but that I was stupid enough to get drunk with him.

It took Carter a few minutes to get here. When he pulled up I tried my best not to limp but he obviously noticed

"What happened? Why are you limping?" He asks as he starts to drive. I don't answer "seriously!?" He yells once he clues on

"I was drunk" I say

"So not only you went to his house but you got drunk with him!? I told you this would happen!" He yells

"Carter I was insanely drunk! I wanted to loose my virginity to someone who cared about me but I didn't! I would take it back if I could!" I yell back as he pulls up at my house "thanks for the ride" I say as I get out then slam the door shut. I storm inside and go to the kitchen. Sammy and the jacks where all in the living room

"Early this morning four bodies where found. They haven't been identified yet but two of them belong to kids aged at around one and the other two are a male and female in their early twenties" I hear off the news

"Please say you guys had nothing to do with that" I say to Sammy and the jacks

"Just like your dad we don't kill woman or children" Sammy says as the phone rings "Mika can you get that" Sammy says and I nod then answer the home phone

M: hello?
?: hello this is the city morgue. I'm looking for the Skye resident
M: um yes
CM: we have the bodies of who we believe to be Nate Maloly, Tosca Skye and their two children down here. We'll need family members down her to identify the bodies as soon as possible
M: I'll be down there soon

As soon as I hung up I fell to the floor and cried. Sammy and the jacks all ran in

"What's wrong?" Jj asks as he picks me up off the floor and puts me on a stool

"They think the bodies are Tosca, Nate and the twins" I say as I sob and they all go pale

"No they have to be wrong. They where going to stay at a hotel last night" Sammy says

"They need us at the city morgue to identify the bodies" I say as Jj hugs me

"I'll got get Max and miles" Jack says quietly as he goes upstairs

When we get to the city morgue they take us too a room where there where four body bags. Two small and two big

"Who will be identifying them" the doctor asks

"I will" Sammy says as he steps up. They go to each bag

"This ones believed to be Nate Maloley" he says as he unzips it a little. Only the doctor and Sammy could see. Sammy nods his head and I feel more tears coming "this ones suppose to be Tosca Skye" he says and my heart stops beating. Nate nods. Jj pulls me into a tight hug and doesn't let go. I hear another one unzipping

"that's wolf" I hear Sammy say then the sound of another being unzipped "that's Tyla" Sammy says and I just let all my tears out as Jj hugs me

"This isn't fair. This isn't right" I whisper into his chest as he rubs my back

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