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We met at our favourite spot in entire Kaer Mohren.

It was past midnight, almost 3 a.m, the hour of the witches, as some would say. As I called it, it was rather a peaceful hour when no one else wanted to climb up to a chilly attic but me and my Dandelion.

I was fiddling with the ancient things I had found there. Mainly tools used by withers, for example empty bottles, spellbooks, used clothes and so on. They weren't the most interesting loots, still, they were interesting enough to help me spend the time while waiting for the awaited man's head appear in the trapdoor.

I hurried there and used some floating magic to help him up. I put him onto stable floor, closing the door after him. He was a bit scared of the sudden floating, yet shot me a thanful look as soon as he was standing on his own feet. The man set his long coat right, his hair back to its original place. "I'm here. Go on"

God, why was it so hard to thank him a damn compliment. Fuck.

"I... I just wanted to thank you for giving a positive first impression of me to Ciri" I blurted finally out, after like what seemed an eternity. "And, I also wanted to tell you something else"

The bard seemed curious as he walked closer to me, still keeping an eye on the old wooden floor. He stopped less, than a meter from me, his beery scent hitting my nose hard.

So he had another jar of it, I see.

"I'm all ears" the man barely whispered, on such a low voice that I could barely hear it. He put his long fingers onto my upper arms, the place of them burning on my skin.

"I... I think I know why the chaos sent me here" I began my explanation. I knew that it'll take long to even find out together why Dandelion needed my service, so I wanted to take things slowly.

And I knew I did well when the confusion appeared step by step on his face. "And why did the big guy do that?"

I sighed. Now that was the difficult part to explain and not to be seen as a madman. "I think it's something in connection with... you"

Dandelion's eyes widened in surprise, just as I had expected before. His gently patting hands stopped at the middle of my upper arms, his lips twitching and turning round and round. He somewhat seemed... desperate. As if he knew exactly why I was needed here. "Ohh, uhm, that's... funny haha"

"Yeah... funny" an eyebrow of mine lifted upwards. "You know something I don't"

The bard seemed insulted by my judgement. He even held his hands in front of me, as if defending himself from the judgement. "Please! If I knew something, I would have already told you that"

"Yeah... right" I replied with narrowed eyes. 

At first, I acted as if I let the entire topic float away, taking a step outwards of Dandelion's way. However, just before bypassing him completely, I used the attack we had used when I was just a little kid, around 9-10.

Aka I poked him right in his stomach. Hard.

The man's senses worked perfectly, he leaned forwards and gave out a startled oof sound. He seemed as if he didn't believe his eyes, he only followed my escaping self with his eyes, nothing else moving. Then, he joined, taking action and hurrying after me as if he was another little kid with no problem in the entire world at all. A wide, ear-to-ear smile formed on his panting lips, his hair flowing in every direction of the wind rose as he chased me.

This entire chase reminded me so much of my childhood, the time we spent together that the entire chaos-thing got sweeped away from head in no time. All I was aware of was getting away from Dandelion's hands before he could have caught me. Even if it required some magic to just disappear and appear some metres away, I didn't mind using some from my precious little magic.

I didn't have fun in such a long time – I didn't have the slightest idea that all I needed was my childhood friend back.

 For a blink of time, I got lost in my thought so much that it gave the bard just enough time to catch me and pin me to the cold, stone wall tightly, by my hands so I couldn't teleport away. His expression was joyful from the fact that he could finally catch me, his tufts dangling into his face in sweaty, thick pieces. His amazing, blue orbs shone in the mixture of the dim light of the oil lamp and the full moon.

I felt as the big guy up there gave me extra strong magic and the urge to use it together with it. Still, I let Dandelion parade in glory of winning the little chasing game. Especially, when seeing him breathing so heavily, that his chest moved up and down in a pretty quick pace.

"I got you, Princess" his breath tickled my cheek as he held me tight against the wall.

I put my best acting skills into action, just as I had used to back then. I acted desperate, begging for the help of my arrester, even curling my lips downwards, my hazel eyes forming eye contact with the bright, blue orbs. "Please, my Lord, let this poor Pincess go, she just couldn't defeat your strength"

Dandelion's eyes shone in an odd way, in such a feeling that I couldn't fully understand. The bard took a quick glimpse a bit downwards, as if he wanted to see me from a closer look. I followed his gaze, which wandered upwards, ending up in my own pair of eyes.

There, the man stopped. He stopped for like an eternity, causing me to get lost in those astonishing orbs' world. As I gazed deep into them, those endless memories inundated me, making my heart beat as fast as a healthy horse among the trees of a forest in pure happiness. Even my lower lip let the upper one go, dangling free in midair.

Dandelion could feel something similar, a smiliar sort of magic floating around us. He stepped one closer, his chest brushing against mine. I could even feel his heartbeat on my chest's skin.

With one, the bard closed my mouth, gently forcing my head to look upwards, back into those fascinating eyes. My heart almost ran out of my chest. "Neria, I... I think I know why the chaos sent you here"

"And what is that reason?" I asked, my lips dry from gaping.

Dandelion leaned even closer, now our chests fully attached against each other. His cheek, especially his lips were only centimetres away from mine. His breath was driving me more and more crazy. "I wished for someone who I could make happy. And you, the one who was in my heart since I have first glimped, came... this can't be an accident, can it?"

"No" my reply was short but straightforward, giving myself just enough time to prepare for Dandelion to lean fully in and place his warm, soft lips onto mines, his hands sliding down onto my waist.

"Thank you for being here, my Neria" he whispered into my mouth, then went on with the kissing.

Little Witch | The Witcher, Jaskier ✅Where stories live. Discover now