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The witcher exited the tent through its walls, he became so aware of the situation in only a couple of moments. Grabbing his sword, he stood with his back against mine, the shiny metal ringing in a beautiful tone.

"Where did you hear the sound coming from?"

To be honest, I had no idea. I didn't have as sharp ears as a witcher, so I lied a direction, pointing with my head toward the way I was looking. "This way... I guess"

I felt Geralt turning his enormous face toward me, presumably mad. "You guess? You didn't even know which way the sound came from?"

I shrugged. "I'm a simple witch, not the White Wolf itself, Geralt! I don't have incredible hearing, you know"

The man grumbled, ahaking his head. "It could have been me who you heard!"

I didn't believe this man. Lowering my ready-to-blast hands, I looked at him with insulted gaze. "What, you give munching sounds in your dreams or what?! You don't get enough food or want to taste the monster's meat or what, Geralt?!"

I was furious. I loved my brother, but sometimes he was just as stubborn as a foal.

We would have continued arguing, I was sure of that – if, the source of the so-called munching sound didn't emerge from the woods above the trees. Its huge, chitin-covered body squirming in the moonlight. It had such a pale color that it almost shone as bright as the moon itself as the whitish light reached it.

I was both scared as hell, ready to fight and pride that my ears weren't bad after all. I promised myself that I'll bug – haha – Geralt with that after the fight...

...if we survive, of course.

The sharp, ringing sound of Geralt's sword cried in the calm air, right at the same time as my palms glowed up with blood-red spells. It was my brother who stood face by face with it, whispering the words carefully to me as if the beast could understand us. "Remember, we don't need to kill it. We only need its poison and that's located in the mouth"

I nodded. I wasn't sure whether the witcher saw that or not – I was only sure about that I was lack on words.

"I'll keep it busy" I heard Geralt popping a tiny bottle and emptying its content under only moments. I didn't need to see to know that his eyes will soon turn black from the potion. "You try to teleport onto its back and bend its jaw so I can get the poison from its teeth, okay?"

"Yeah" I gulped nervously. My spiritual self was on the edge of peeing under herself, when the sudden thought of who I was doing this for appeared in front of my spiritual eyes.

His sweet smile.

His adorable style.

How much he loved me.

He almost had given his life for me.

I straightened my back. The thought of revenge, oh, that sweet revenge rose up in my blood in such pace that I felt my veins pulsating with the suddenly came power.

I was ready.

I was so ready.

"Now!" commanded Geralt with a booming voice and jumped toward the beast with his huge weapon in his hands, his face in a vicious growl to avenge his friend.

The last picture I saw before teleporting was his muscles hardening under the leather clothes as he lifted up the sword above his head. The next was me appearing at the neck of the beast, my legs crossed under its disgustingly soft neck.

It noticed me right away, but I didn't give it enough time to fight back – my palms glowed up with the blood-colored magic, what I shot into his body right away. I chose a gap between its chitin plates so the magic will surely reach its inside – its organs or whatever such ugly beast had under its whitish armor.

The bug cried up in pure agony, his mouth opening into a wide gap. I deemed that moment a perfect one to stretch its mouth so Geralt could get the stuff we needed. I casted plus power in my palms, yellowish puffs swirling around my fingers and then around the horrifying horns.

"Now, Geralt, now!" I shouted, giving my every drop of magic into the spell to keep the lips apart in a stable state.

The witcher nodded, climbing up on the chest of the Pale Widow with swift movements, helping me out by placing a thick piece of wood between the upper and lower jaw.

I was still holding it, even though I felt my body running out of magic by the continous use of it. You don't want to experience how painful it is when you have to use too much magic. It turns from wonder to pure agony, ripping out your every piece of soul – and, if you aren't careful, you can even die at the end.

"Hurry up!" I shrieked, tears flowing out of my eyes, my limbs aching as if hundreds of knives were stunged into them, one by one.

It hurt. It really, really hurt, mainly as I had only one person in mind – Dandelion. I was so determined to save him that I felt crossing a border for him between me and my power. We had an unspoken agreement with the other and I crossed this line by far – still, I didn't care. I couldn't.

And, I didn't even want to stop, even if it costed my life.

Even if my magic punished me by tearing me apart from the inside.

The next thing I was aware of was Geralt shaking my hands in a crazy pace, yelling right at my face. My ears went dumb, so I didn't hear any of what he said. My limbs didn't obey me anymore, they acted on their own will – or, in other words, working toward tearing the beast's face apart.

My expression was in a bloodthirsty, vicious and revengeful smile. My legs were stuck between the chitin plates, giving me a stable posture to stand. My hands were fixed on the upper and lower jaws of the Pale Widow, the yellowish magic slowly, cruelly tearing them apart. Beside the mad thought swirling in my head, the other sound I could hear was the beast's body cracking up into two by the head, its cry in agony painful but useless.

Not even Geralt could help me. Not even by displaying the little glass with the posion we needed right in front of my face. His shout was also useless – my magic wasn't satisfied, didn't stop until the beast's ugly face were torn in two pieces, its lifeless body falling helplessly on the ground as if a linen sack would have done so.

And, just like that, I fell together with it, my magic vanishing into thin air, my exhausted body laying on the chitin plates, sweet dream taking over my weary eyes.

Little Witch | The Witcher, Jaskier ✅Where stories live. Discover now