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As soon as our bags were packed with every kind of goods – turns out, our bard was pretty good at talking down the prices, so we had money for more stuff, than we had expected at the beginning –, me and Ciri opened a portal back to Kaer Morhen, all of us leaving the glorious and cosy marketplace of Ard Carraigh.

The boys told us to leave carrying such heavy packages for them, even though some lifting magic could have done the job just as well. Still, we didn't want to disappoint them, so we acted like normal, defenceless, weak girls, letting the boys do the hard work.

We rather gave a helping hand in cooking. I also enjoyed it more, than carrying packages from one point to another, I always got lost in creating something tasty that everyone loves, trying my best to create the tastiest treats.

I didn't even notice Geralt and Dandelion not coming back to join us after a while. It was the Princess who turned to my with it, questioning their whereabouts. "Don't you happen to know where Geralt and Dandelion is? I can't seem to find them anywhere and some ingredients are missing from the soup. They are in the bag that hasn't been yet brought in"

I looked around, hoping I would easily spot the boys at some pointof the room. Sadly, they were nowhere to be seen. I turned back my attention at Ciri, shrugging. Deep inside, I was worried why they really were late. "Dunno where they can be... maybe they got stuck with the last bag? It was the biggest, after all"

Cirilla nodded. "Maybe. Let's hope nothing bad has happened... I have a really bad feeling"

Well, she wasn't alone in that.

Just as I wanted to offer her looking for the boys, the sound of heavy steps nearby hit my ears. I immediately dropped the wooden spoon, my palms burning from the defence magic forming in them, ready to be released any time soon. I narrowed my eyes, suspiciously examining the door from which the strangely loud steps came.

"Ciri, get behind me" I commanded the girl with a voice that didn't tolerate disagreement. I was ready to defend her even if it cost my life. She was like the bestfriend, the bestfriend with a golden heart I have always wanted, and she was also my niece. I won't let any monstrosity hurt her.

Thankfully, the girl agreed and slid behind me right away, doing just as I had told her to do so. "What is it, Neria?"

I sighed, still eyeing the door without even a wink. "I have no idea, Ciri. I really don't know... but soon we'll find out, I think"

And how right I really was. Oh, how well I had predicted the future.

Soon enough, the door tore open but with a truly unexpected intruder. It was a tall, young girl, around the age of my brother. She had long, dark hair and dark eyes.

"Who are you?" I mumbled on a low, neutral voice. I tried my best not to show my distrust toward her, even though I didn't know what her goals were.

The woman held out her hands toward us as if she gave up even trying to hurt us or anything straight away. In fact, her hands were... trembling. And I only noticed the bloodstreak beside her mouth. "Please, you gotta help me..."

I rose my hand with the deffence magic swirling in it widly, my palm facing her. I had already learnt how to trust someone, and without even knowing who she was, there was no way of me trusting her straight away. I boomed with a harsh tone again. "I asked something"

The girl sighed as if she was furious of me trying to get her identity first. "I-I'm Yennefer, Geralt's good friend... now please, will you help me finally? Dandelion's life is in danger!"

Every drop of blood vanished from my face. I almost fainted, if it wasn't for Ciri and this so-called Yennefer. My lips went dry. "W-What? What happened to him?!"

Yennefer looked just as shocked and ravaged as me, her eyes full with worry and sorrow. "I was out in a nearby forest, heading here to meet Geralt to ask for some help. I was nearby them when I heard some sort of growling, the sound of some creature and the boys' as they got into a fight with this thing... and the next I heard was Dandelion crying out in a horrible voice and as soon as I met him, his chest and head was covered in... in..."

"...blood" I finished her sentence dryly, staring into the nothingness lifelessly. I turned my gaze at Yennefer, the sudden recognition that I had to save my friend making my blood rush through my veins like an untamable river. My gaze was solemn and commanding. "Yennefer, lead me to Dandelion!"

Little Witch | The Witcher, Jaskier ✅Where stories live. Discover now