Part One: I Like Her

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This is the first book I ever wrote so please do keep that in mind lol.

Your life was finally getting stable, which hadn't always been the case. You had started working at Trixie Cosmetics and as crazy as working with someone like Trixie can be, you were finally feeling like you belonged somewhere. Today had everybody at the office excited because the Red Scare collection was almost out and Katya's photoshoot for the promotional photos of the lipstick was happening, she looked so good, being around her always had and impact on you.

You had a huge crush on her since you started working at TC, whenever she would drop by the office with Trixie, when you'd see her at DragCon and especially now, working on the lipstick, you'd get so nervous about being around her, everything about her was attractive. Her personality, tattoos, body and how she interacts with people, fascinating to say the least.

By the time the photoshoot was done, everybody decided to go out for dinner and so did you. The person who sat by your side just happened to be Brian and you were trying so hard not to make a fool out of yourself, it's probably the first time you had been this close to him, your only interactions at this point had only been a "Hi!" or laughing at each other's jokes about Trixie. Part of you just wanted to get out of there as quick as possible and the other was interested to see how this would unfold.

"I had a dream that we were on Drag Race last night. Me and you." Trixie said, "It was one of those things that I knew it was a dream, but it was too vexing to not treat it like it was real, and for some reason it was like a live episode of Drag Race at a high school gym and it was not fancy".

"I'm surprised you even considered me going back" Brian joked.

"Bitch I know, but get this. It was a bunch of drag queens and we were definitely in the bottom, I think we just said, and it's not even a joke, we just said: "Let's just leave" and Brian started laughing "It's so me".

"And we were like "I think everyone here wants to win more than us, so let's just leave" she said.

"This sounds too real" Brian said, after that they started telling us stories about how season 7 had been nerve racking. "I would say losing Drag Race was probably one of the biggest disappointments in my life" Trixie said.

"What are you talking about? You won!" Brian frowned.

"Like season 7" she said and you took a bit of courage and joked "You were never gonna win that though" and everyone laughed including Brian that turned around and said "I like her".

At that moment you could feel your face burn and you just knew you turned bright red which got Brian's attention and for the rest of the night as you two engaged in a conversation about your interest in another languages and you were fascinated by him, the way he would pay attention to what you said like nothing else mattered, his smile and of course his body and face, he was just too hot and you almost couldn't deal with it.

You had such a fun time that night you thought as you were outside the restaurant waiting for your Uber to arrive, then suddenly you felt somebody getting close to you and there Brian was, walking up to you smirking and looking so hot while doing it.

"Out here in the corner this late (Y/N)? Would never think this of you" he said lightening a cigarette, you could feel you heart racing.

"You know how it is, mother, just turning some tricks" earning a smirk from him.

"So how's working at Trixie's dungeon been for you?" he asked looking straight into your eyes and you almost got lost in his gorgeous eyes.

"Honestly, it's been great, I love the people I work with, can't relate, can you?" you joked and he laughed.

"You bitch, do I have to remind you who's your boss?" he joked back.

"Don't need to, her voice echoes through my mind 24/7, like a hangover headache".

There was a moment of silence and you noticed him looking from your eyes to your lips, you froze and just as he was gonna ask you something your Uber arrived, so you quickly hugged him goodbye and as you were entering the car, he said:

"Nice getting to know more of you (Y/N)" and then again, you turned red in a second.

"Nice talking to you, Brian", you said giving him a smile.

It seems like your life wouldn't be stable for much long, you thought.

Freak Like Me - Katya ZamoWhere stories live. Discover now