Part Twenty Two: What Could Be

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You found yourself in a deep state of relaxation, you feel very much awake and present in the moment, but somehow you know you must be dreaming. It doesn't take much time for you to realise what's happening as you open your eyes, and in front of you there's Brian cautiously rocking your baby.

He doesn't notice you looking at first, as he's taking mental notes of the baby's features. So you take the time to watch him. The baby's wrapped in a white blanket and their face was barely visible. Brian's head eventually turns to the side and his eyes find yours, immediately smiling. You sigh blissfully as you lay on the hospital bed. It's not the most comfortable bed, but for now, you'll take it.

"Tired?" Brian asks in a low tone, to avoid disturbing the newborn in his arms. You nod. He walks to your side, setting the baby in your arms. A girl. As expected by almost everyone around you.

The first thing you notice is the white headband, then you look at her tiny face. All the traces you could recognise for now were Brian's. From the little round eyes to the pouty lips, and the for now, dirty blonde hair.

"She does in fact look exactly like you" You smile as you gently run your fingers through her hair. She slowly opens her eyes, revealing a dark blue tone. You can't really tell what color her eyes will be until a few weeks, but you not so secretly hope she'll have Brian's eyes as well. As a matter of fact, "I hope she has your everything."

Brian smiles widely, absolutely enamored with you two. "Funny, I was just about to tell you the exact same thing."

"We'll see who she takes after in a few weeks." You smile."I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I just pushed her out of my.. well, you know."

Brian nods with a laugh, "Wasn't it worth it though?"

You don't hesitate as you kiss your precious little girl. "Yes. She's perfect"

And so the dream ended, you thought. But then, you found yourself once again in bed, only this time in Brian's bedroom, or better, your bedroom. Disturbed from your sleep by the sound of your daughter laughing hysterically as Brian tickled her and they entered the room. Making you smile as she throws herself on the bed, crawling to you.

"Your daughter's impossible" He says, smiling like a fool. Getting in bed as well and pressing a kiss to your lips. "Good morning"

"Morning, baby" You smile, then looking at your lap and finding your daughter covering her eyes. "Eww" Making you and Brian laugh, as always.

"Come here, I'm gonna get you" Brian grabs her, bringing her to his lap as he fills her with kisses. Getting a laugh out of you seeing her trying her best to escape it. Mornings like this would forever be engraved in your mind.

"Mommyyy" She calls.

"Let her go, baby" You laugh, and she crawls back to you, laying her head on your stomach and looking up at you. You knew this look, you recognise the way those pale blue eyes would gaze at you, it's the same way Brian looked at you when he thought of something, usually something absurd. "What?"

"There's a baby" She says as she lays her head back down. Both yours and Brian's eyes widen. She had been saying this for the last few weeks but you never gave much attention, thinking it's just her wanting a sibling. If you were in fact pregnant, this was nothing like the chaos of the first time around. You look at Brian and he nods.

"I bought it earlier. She's gonna get breakfast with Brian and later they're going to a toy store, probably buying a 100 Barbies. So that you take the tests in peace" He smiles gently and you nod apprehensively.

Freak Like Me - Katya ZamoWhere stories live. Discover now