Part Twenty: Close Again

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NSFW warning

You didn't even have to think about it. Brian helped you get out of the tub and handed you a towel. His gaze was intense and somehow it felt as if this would be your first time touching each other. Brian turns to make his way to your bedroom and you follow just behind, taking his hand. Nothing's said between you. As soon as you enter your room, you stroke Brian's arm, making him turn to face you. He instantly wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer as you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck.

You don't know which one of you made the move but soon enough you were kissing. You rested your hand on his back and ran your fingers up and down his shoulder blade, he grabbed your face and slid his hand to your neck. It was intoxicating to be this close to him again, Brian had the ability to turn you on like a light switch without barely doing anything. You two broke the kiss and he looked deep into your eyes you paused, anticipating what he was going to do next.

"Are you sure? We really don't have to do this if you're not comfortable..." He asks, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"I've been needing you for the past three months, Bri. Please touch me." You pressed your body closer to his, giving him your best bedroom eyes. He kissed you again.

"Bed" He growled, you let go of him and unwrapped yourself out of the towel, dropping it in front of him and walking to the bed, naked.

As soon as your back touches the mattress, Brian gets on top of you. Everything felt like it was on fire, right down to the tingling in your toes as the two of you shared another passionate kiss, tongues darting back and forth into each other's mouth. You moaned out into his mouth again as his hands went up to cup your breasts. They felt really tender and sensitive, and the sensation on every part of your body had become so enchanced that it was almost painful. Brian settled himself between your legs and grabbed them with his hands, pulling you forward a little bit so that you were closer to him with your legs spread. Due to your overwhelming arousal, you spread your legs open further, letting him slip his body between them easily now.

He pressed his fingers against your core. A shock went through your body. You grinded your hips against him, whimpering softly at the feeling of his fingers already. This was going to be intense. You gasped, feeling your walls already wanting to convulse at the slightest touch from him. "Fuck yes.. Brian."

His lips moved to the side of your neck, you breathed out as he pressed his fingertips to your bare clit. You were so sensitive, and your clit was already so swollen, that it seemed as if the two of you had fucked the whole night by this point. Brian took notice of this as his eyes widened a little.

"Baby... you're so swollen" He purred lustfully, starting to draw slow circles around your clit. "I can see why you want me so much."

"I need you badly, B" You mewled, your back already arching while one of your hands shot up to the side of his neck, the other going down to wrap your fingers around his wrist. The pleasure you were feeling from only his fingers was incredibly intense.

"I-I'm gonna cum so fast." You said it as if even you were in disbelief.

Brian had the ability to make you cum quicker than usual, but with the state of your body now, it was just mind blowing, and you could already feel your first orgasm welling up in your abdomen. He kept a rhythmic pace with his fingers, rubbing around your clit. It was driving you insane just how good he could make you feel at really any point in time.

"F-fuck," you choked out, you were right there on the edge. His fingers added the slightest pressure to your sensitive core. "Don't stop.. I'm cumming.."

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