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Bucky had now been missing for four days. The fact of the matter swarmed you all, impaling the hope with definitive destruction. your  minds has tried to hope for the best, but the best was no longer plausible.

you sat around the large shiny table where the room was void of any sounds though your thoughts were burning rapidly. Steve suggested the meeting since the 96th hour of his disappearance came and went.

Tony, never really ever having liked the guy, spoke first, "perhaps the daredevil got angry and decided he wanted to start a life somewhere else. Like Bucharest!" he purposed.

"Tony," Steve exhaled, "this is more than just a little temper tantrum. Bucky is in trouble, i can feel it." his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose in internal defeat.

To be completely honest, you were hoping that's what this was... a temper tantrum. you wanted his feelings to be hurt and looked for every reason they might be to solidify the idea. However, over and over you came short of a real reason her would burst so much as to leave for 4 days.

"Well," Natasha began, breathing deeply, "let's start up a search mission. Wait a minute." she paused, death glaring Tony. "Stark, you son of a bitch."

All he did was bow his head uncomfortably, his hands over his eyes.

"what?" bruce asked, shaking out a breathy laugh, "what is it?" he pushed nervously.

"Tony..." you pressed.

His face just want darker and darker, more grave. He glanced at the super soldier, Steve who now sat slightly leaning forward in inquiry. Tonys breaths became uneven and he almost smiled nervously but quickly wiped the smugness off his face, replacing it with a chilling glare at Nat. "okay, okay, you got me." he relieved himself of a breath. "I put a tracker in his suit. I just haven't had the change to look at whe..."

"Tony. God, no Ton, why?" Bruce's face contorted in grimace as he took in his lab partner. I felt bad for him. Tony and him weren't exactly intimately close but they spent every day together, lab coat next to lab coat, elbows practically touching from 12-12. And come to find out Tony had been sheepishly hiding this under his nose the whole time. "I knew you didn't like him but this Tony? This is unacceptable, unnatural." He ranted

Peters face hardened. You could tell he was trying desperately not to be disappointed in his favorite persons choices. But you could also tell it saddened him that Tony would do such a thing. You wanted to reach over and touch his shoulder, but decided against it seeing as how you weren't quite sure how he would react. you were best friends but you had never seen him react like that to something Tony did.

Steve remained calm. His eyes rested in a half glazed over state upon ironman. his words were serenely said even though he had every right to pound Tony's skull to the tiled floor. "Then pull it up."

Tony opened a laptop and projected it on the wall, pulling up the whereabouts of every avenger of which shown by little red dots. Most all of them were bunched together in North America, a few spotted where you assumed was Wakanda. Tony zoomed in on New York, all of us either eyeing him or the projection with intensity. Every now and again he would glance around the room nervously.

"there." he mumbled.

"no that can't be right." Clint shook his head in dissatisfaction. Nat and Steve shared his saturnine disposition.

you remembered then... Clint, Nat, Steve and Buck went there a few years back to bust a hydra base.

Steve slammed his fist against the table and lightly shut his eyes. "Tony. Get the quinjet. Everyone get suited up. We leave in 15."

Under pressure, people seem to have different ways of handling themselves. Some people, like clint, deny the facts... won't take reality into consideration. you remember reading about all of them during a psychology course Peter and you took together. They simply call it denial. Then there was rationalization. Tony managed to use this one a lot, trying desperately to rationalize why things were, or, in this case, why he did what he did. You noticed he also used a lot of regression to cope. acting like a child in times of distress. Steve was the perfect case of reaction formation. He tries to pretend he's something he's not, like brave when he's obviously afraid. you wondered, then, what you did. Guilt nipped at your stomach like hungry fish in the deep waters. you had hardly said a word in there. Had it seemed like you weren't worried for Bucks well being?

you stood up silently, waiting for the rest of the avengers to run their way to getting ready. Steve stuck in his chair like cooling tar, breaths slowing almost completely to a halt. "Steve, I-"

"I know, y/n." he sighed. "i'm scared too."

you know he meant well and his brain was probably utterly confused on what just happened so though that's not what you were going to say, you let him have it and nodded silently, giving him a half smile before leaving to get ready.

Being Tony's daughter, you got to design my own suit. Of course he wanted it to match his own with red and gold but you found this counter proactive and drew more attention than what you had in mind.

It was (your choice colour) and fit your form just enough to show off your natural body. It was tactical, having many compartments for things from first aid, to serums to throwing knives. It slightly resembled Peters night-monkey suit though instead of a spider mask and being black, it was (your choice colour), with a half mask that only covered your mouth and nose and had many more compartments.

you opened one of the pockets on your chest and smiled at the red serum that Peter and you had made in the lab together. The memory was sweet as you remembered how he stuck his tongue half way out while he focused. He caught you staring and you both blushed lightly.

—————time skip brought to you by Wanda and Visions pillow talk—————
"ready?" Steve asked everyone as the quinjet was about to close. they all nodded our heads in unison.

To be frank, you were kind of glad the ride would be over an hour. Peter and you were best friends and the past week or so has been finals at school so you had only been studying together. Of course you enjoyed studying with Peter, the way he jutted his tongue from his lips when he's focused and gives a squinty smile when one of us get something right. however it leaves little room for you to talk about life, what with you both being academic perfectionists, studying quite literally only meant studying.

Today, in fact, had been your last day of tests. you sat next to him, still weary about his mood since Tony let him down. "Hey pete," you said quietly.

"hey, n/n," he returned in a more sluggish voice.

"how did your tests go today petey?" you quizzed him, looking deeply within his eyes to try and figure out exactly what it was he was feeling.

"fine." he mumbled.

"awh," you let out. "I know." you put your hand over his. He looked down and smiled but gently wiped you from him. A prick stung your chest. you knew he was hurting so you decided not to pry.

—————time skip brought to you by Peppers allergy to strawberries—————

The quinjet came to such a steady landing, you hardly noticed you touched the ground. Everyone began standing up at once, anticipating quite unnervingly the opening of the doors.

you had all given input on a plan during the ride, so everyone's was silent as they ran through it in their heads. you noticed how peter would lightly bob his fists up and down in preparation, as if he were going over his punches and blocks.

"you ready spider-boy?" i asked half heartedly.

He gave you a nod without even looking my way. His face hardened again and there was a slight twitch in his eyebrow. you knew that look, knew that nervous twitch. He had a secret.

"Peter?" you aksed in surprise. you pointed towards my own eyebrow and continued, "i know what that means, Parker, you have something to say." you said calmly and quiet enough for the others not to hear.

By that time, you were all on your way to the large doors in the sandy ground

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