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Chanhee had become used to he and Sunwoo's daily flirting, and hadn't put any real thought into what that could mean in the future. That is, until last weeks event involving their accidental fake engagement announcement.

He was starting to think that Sunwoo harbored romantic feelings for him, and he had no idea what to do with this information.

Logically, there's nothing wrong with him involving himself in a romantic relationship with Sunwoo, considering that he was quite fond of him and the fact that Sunwoo's literally his celebrity crush. The problem is Chanhee himself, inconsistent and emotionally constipated. All his past relationships ended because nobody understood his way of love. He was scared to say ' I love you', he never initiated skin-ship or random acts of endearment. His ways of saying 'I love you' were remembering your Starbucks order or getting your favorite snack when you were feeling down. His past exes hadn't noticed any of that though, because their love language was grand gestures, and they'd expected Chanhee to reciprocate the same way.

"Hakkie, do you think Sunwoo likes me?" Chanhee asks one day when Haknyeon was lounging on the floor of Eric and his apartment.

The younger had looked up from his Nintendo Switch and gave him a strange look, "I don't think I'm supposed to share that type of information about my friend."

Chanhee groans annoyingly, "But I'm your friend too!"

"And I wouldn't tell Sunwoo your confidential information either, so what's your point?" Haknyeon rolls his eyes. "But why do you ask? Did something happen?"

Chanhee shrugs, "Not really... I was just remembered the whole incident from last week and started thinking."

"Hypothetically speaking, if Sunwoo did like you, would you date him?" Haknyeon asks as he puts down his Switch and gives Chanhee his undivided attention.

"I don't know, dating is has never really been my strong suit, as you can see from my many failed relationships."

Haknyeon nips at his lip before speaking again, "Well I mean, you could always take it slow? No need letting a good guy go just because of some 'what if' situations."

Chanhee thinks that might be the smartest thing to come out of Haknyeons foul mouth.


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qtswrld, svnwoo, hakkyuu and 56,429 others liked

nyuswrld idk what to caption this...


svnwoo you posted this for me, didn't you
↪️nyuswrld whatever helps you sleep at night 😁
↪️svnwoo i do indeed dream about you
↪️notherenotfound their flirting is... agonizing 😭 like pls just date already

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