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Chanhee shook his head at his outfit through Eric's mirror.

Sunwoo hadn't told him where they were going, nor how he should dress, and now Chanhee was going to have a mental breakdown trying to figure out what to wear.

He had debated asking Eric for help, considering they were roommates and all, but his wardrobe looked like a frat boy clothing shop.

"You're stressing out way too much, just dress as if you're going to class or something." Eric yawned and threw his pillow over his head to hopefully block out the noises of Chanhee throwing clothes around.

"Good idea! You know, you're a lot smarter when you're half unconscious." Chanhee noted as he tried on his last outfit.

"Fuck off."


Sunwoo had just texted him saying he was parked in front of the building, and Chanhee felt as if he was gonna literally die right here, right now.



i'm outside your apartment
i'm excited!

i am too
but i'm also nervous as shit
if i fall down the steps, look away

i'd catch you before you could fall

wow how heroic of you

"Dude, if you don't walk out of that door in the next 10 seconds, I'm gonna throw you out the window." Eric says with groggy eyes and a blanket thrown over his shoulders. He couldn't go back to sleep after Chanhee's crisis earlier, and had decided to get up and lounge miserably on the couch for the rest of the day, or eternity if he's lucky.

"Ok, ok, I'm going! Don't burn down the apartment while i'm gone."

Eric waved him off and practically shoved him out the door before he could stall any longer.

It wasn't until Chanhee actually spotted Sunwoo leaning against his car that he realized how real this was. He was less than 10 feet away from the Kim Sunwoo, and they were going on a date.

"Well hello there, pretty."

Chanhee could feel his face warming up, and could only hope that Sunwoo hadn't noticed. "It hasn't even been 3 minutes and you're already starting off strong."

Sunwoo gave him a cocky grin and opening the passenger door for him. "This isn't even the beginning, sweetheart."


"Are you taking me to the middle of the woods to murder me?"

Sunwoo rolled his eyes, "Of course not, sweetheart! There's a clearing up ahead and it has a cool view."

Chanhee tries his best not to be affected by the petname, but he swears he might die if Sunwoo doesn't stop.

Sunwoo wasn't lying, the view was cool.

"Woah, this place is beautiful!" Chanhee exclaims when they finally reach the clearing.

"Yep, and I figured we could have a picnic." Sunwoo replies and points to the picnic basket that was in the backseat.

"A picnic? Wow, you're a true romantic." Chanhee thinks it's only fair that he should have the chance to make Sunwoo blush too.

"Only for you, sweetheart."

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