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liked by qyuswrld, svnwoo, and 134,788 others nyuswrld 

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liked by qyuswrld, svnwoo, and 134,788 others


svnwoo i can't believe i get to call someone so cute my boyfriend 🥺 i luv u sm bby i want to put you in my pocket
↪️nyuswrld you're so sappy oh my goddd,
  ↪️svnwoo ok and i will continue to announce my love for you to the world
    ↪️nyuswrld ...
↪️qyuswrld i just gagged
↪️hakkyuu i'm reporting both y'all's accounts btw

svnwooshat sunwoo's comment :( they're so cute omg

bigbootyjudyloveskimnamjoon so pretty lovely boy, click link in my bio to see me 👀

leejuyeonn sunwoo is so whipped




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liked by nyuswrld, hakkyuu, leejuyeonn and 3,934,786 others

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liked by nyuswrld, hakkyuu, leejuyeonn and 3,934,786 others

svnwoo marie claire 📸


nyuswrld im trying to be normal about these pictures, but i'm failing miserably
↪️svnwoo i love when you obsess over me 😍
  ↪️nyuswrld i can't say what i want to say about these photos unless i want to be permanently banned from this app
↪️svnwoo you're gonna make me blush
        ↪️ qtswrld kys, both of you

my love 💘

bby are you busy rn?

just got home from work

what's up?

i wanted to talk to you about something
pretty important

i don't think it's anything worrisome but
just wanted to let you know


what is it

wellll the company and I have been discussing
this for a couple of months now
but they think it's about time for me to announce
a world tour

that's great! 
why were you scared to tell me that?

it's not that i was scared, well yeah i was a little
it's just i wanted to make sure the thought of me being away for a while didn't throw you off

sun, you could be on tour for 5 years straight
and i'd STILL be in love with you
do YOU not think we can last with you being away?

what?? of course i know we can last
i just didn't want to put you in a situation you didn't want to be in

i love you wayy too much to do something like that

aww, ok, we're on the same page then

how long until you start touring?

the tour won't start until later this year

cool, that means i have to shower you in twice as much love to make up for the lost time.

how did i get so lucky with you?
what nation did i save in my past life?
did i find the cure to some unknown illness?
what did i do to deserve the best boyfriend?


if anything i'm the lucky one



good night people

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