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It's been 6 months since their first date, and and since then they've gone on many other dates together. Each date is as memorable as the first one, well to Sunwoo at least. Sunwoo isn't sure of their relationship status, they're obviously in some type of romantic relationship, but are they boyfriends? They haven't even done anything besides hold hands and occasionally hug, they haven't even kissed yet. He can't even ask Chanhee about it because he's been so busy recording for his upcoming album, which ironically, is about Chanhee.

"What's got you so stressed? I've never seen you so down while recording, so i'll assume it has something to do with Chanhee." Younghoon says when he enters Sunwoo's studio, carrying a huge bucket of cheese balls.

Sunwoo lets out a dramatic sigh, "Are Chanhee and I boyfriends?"

Younghoon raises an eyebrow and tilts his head in confusion, "I sure assumed so, but if you're unsure about that then you should talk to Chanhee about it."

"I know, but there hasn't been any time to have a proper conversation about it. We haven't even talked in whole in a week due to his exams and my recordings."

Younghoon pulls out his phone and begins to type something out—seemingly a text to someone—before letting out a satisfied hum. "I asked Changmin and he said that Chanhee finished his last exam this morning, so after you're done with your recordings today you can call him or something."


Chanhee was lounging on the floor in the living room, watching some random movie on Netflix, when there was a knock on the door.

He picked up his phone and noticed that it was past 2:00 AM. 'Who the hell could be here at this hour?'

Eric was out with some of his friends and probably wouldn't be back until 7 or 8, so it definitely wasn't him at the door. Chances made hesitant steps towards the door, picking up the closest thing he could find, which happened to be a framed photo of him and Sunwoo.

He opens the door and-

"Sunwoo? What are you doing here this late?! I thought you were a murderer or something and almost just bashed this in your face!" Chanhee exclaims and smacks him on the arm.

"Ow! Sorry, I was going to text you but I forgot! You can stop hitting me now, please!" Sunwoo says as he tries to defend himself from Chanhee's wrath.

Chanhee finally stops hitting him and turns to walk back into his Apartment, which Sunwoo takes as an invitation to follow.

"Okay but you didn't answer my question, what are you doing here this late?" Chanhee sits down on the couch.

Sunwoo sits down next to him and grabs one of his hands to intertwine with his own, "I missed you."

Chanhee squeezed his hand, "I missed you too, but still, you didn't have to come all the way over here just to say that, especially not at this time."

Sunwoo shakes his head "Well I mean, that's not the only reason I came here..."

Chanhee gives him a confused expression, "Well what else did you come here for?"

"We've been going on dates and stuff for a while now but I'm still unsure on our status... Are we a couple? Or have I been reading this entire thing wrong?" Sunwoo thanks his lack of sleep for being able to day all of that without completely butchering his words.

Chanhee sits in a stunned silence for what felt like eternity, but was actually 2 long minutes, blinking slowly at Sunwoo. It was unclear what he was thinking, and that made Sunwoo anxious. Was silence an indication that Sunwoo was an idiot and Chanhee didn't want to be his boyfriend?

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