Chapter two

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After an entire day relaxing on the beach we headed back up to the room. I had seen that Neymar guy on the beach a few times with his friends. Every time i looked at them, his friends were just messing about, but he had been staring at me. It was beginning to freak me out if I'm honest. Even when i decided to go and get a drink he suddenly wanted one too and followed me and i had to talk to him at the bar for another half an hour. He seemed like a nice guy at least

When we got to the room i headed straight for the shower. I took off my bikini and saw i already had a set of faint tan lines. I smiled, i loved tan lines. I was in the shower washing the conditioner out of my hair when i realized i had been singing to myself. I stopped immediately out of shock. I found i always started singing when i was happy, but i hadn't sung since my mothers death.. "Wow" i muttered to myself. I guess Brasil had powers. I finished rinsing my hair and washing my body and got out of the shower.

"Hey" my brother said walking out of his room, " you better dress up nice, we're going somewhere fancy for dinner" he said getting a water bottle of of the mini bar. "Like where?"
"I don't know, Adriana knows a place" he shrugged "just dress up fancy though" he said walking back into his room

In the end, i decided on a short silky black dress that had a sleeve on one side and was strapless on the other, it was one of my favorites but i hadn't had a chance to wear it yet. I dried my hair and applied a thin layer of bb cream, some eye make up and a dark red lip stick. I grabbed some heals and i was ready to go. My family had already gone down to have some drinks at the hotel bar so i left the room and went to join them.


"Fine but tomorrow, we have to go a club" Adriano said finally giving up
"Um i don't know about you but me and Neymar have training the next day" Ganso laughed "we can go at the week end calm down"
We walked out of the elevator and got a table by the bar.

" i cant help it" he groaned "Im feeling left out! You talked to that blonde on the beach and Neymar has that spanish girl he's stalking"
"I am not stalking her" i rolled my eyes "im just admiring her" i smirked taking a sip of my drink
"Yeah, everywhere she goes! She could get on a plane to Australia tomorrow and you'd still be there admiring her" Adriano laughed "just admit it, you're obsessed with her!"
"Hey isn't that your girl over there" ganso said pointing to a girl in a silky black dress walking across the room.
"Yeah that is her!" Adriano said "Neymar she looks gorgeous! Im going to call her over!" He said standing up
"No don't, let her be with her family" i said noticing the three people at the bar. My eyes stayed fixed on her as she walked, she did look amazing. She walked by our table. "Good evening Carla" i said cheekily
"Hey Neymar" she smiled. The others waited for her to pass. I could tell they were both dying to say something.
"Oooh she likes you bruh!" Adriano said shaking my shoulders the second she was out of ear shot
"You know each others names?!" Ganso smirked
"I talked to her a bit today whats the big deal?" I shrugged
"The big deal, neymar, is that you totally want to sleep with her" adriano smirked
" i dont want to just go and sleep with her, she's different" i shrugged
"Oh my gosh really.. Neymar don't tell me you're falling in love or something, you've know her about 22 hours" he laughed. "Im just saying, she's not like that"


After we got back from dinner my family began to head towards the elevator. "We're going up to bed already?" I sighed. I was still wide awake and there looked like there was a band setting up in the bar. "We're all pretty tired sweetie" my dad said "but you can stay down here if you want" he smiled "hey, i have an idea, theres a band setting up over there, maybe they need a singer?" He sais happily. My dad always loved hearing me sing.
"No way papá!" I laughed "id be too nervous"
"Oh well, have fun anyway" he said "good night sweetie"
good night" i said walking off to the bar.

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