Chapter 30

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The whistle blew and we all started to run. The ball was kicked back into the Portugues defense and they passed it around waiting for an opportunity. I noticed Marcelo sprinting up the field, all lot further than he normally does, what the hell was he doing? He said something to oscar and he said something to Fernandinho. That was odd.. Maybe Thiago had a new tactic for them.

The ball was still up in the Portugues defense bing kicked around near Pepe so i decided to attack. I began to sprint in between the defenders, suddenly Oscar arrived next to me. "neymar go back!" He shouted "I'll get it!" I thought i was weird but i obeyed and ran back down the pitch. I guess it was a new plan.

Soon Cristiano was given the ball and he began to move down the pitch after it, David came running at him with Thiago hanging back a bit. Just as David was about to make his move Cristiano spun around and shoved david out the way, im sure that was probably dirty play but the ref didnt seemed imported. Cristiano was getting closer to the goal, this time Thiago went after him, Cristiano tried to pull the same trick again but Thiago was one step ahead and kicked the ball through his legs before Cristiano could work out what to do. David raced in and got the ball and began to run up the field with it. Cristiano raced after him with Thiago sticking to him.

David kicked the ball across to Dani who began to move it up the field. He passed it over to Marcelo who began to take the ball into the defense. I began to run up with them ready to help out Marcelo. With Marcelo was beginning to run out of space and needed to pass it. "Marcelo here!" I shouted. He looked at me but for some reason turned his attention to Dani for a second who seemed to be in his own match with Pepe. "Okay go for it!" He shouted back. He kicked to ball over to me. It landed in a perfect position and with one smooth shot i kicked the ball towards the goal, the keeper dived but it went sailing past him. Goal!

My team mates all ran to congratulate me and we celebrated together as the crowd cheered. The Portuguese team all looked around at it each other annoyed.



I head the half time whistle blow and the game stopped. "Dammit!" I cursed as i stopped running, i was going to score a goal that time i could feel it. So far the score was 2-1 to Brasil, neymar and oscar scoring for Brasil and me scoring for Portugal, this was not good enough. Even mine and pepes plan to take out Neymar was failing, so far pepe hadn't even got close to him!

The teams walked back into the changing rooms walked back into the locker rooms and i sat down next to Pepe. "What the hell?" I exclaimed "have you forgotten the plan? You havent even touched him!"
"Im trying!" He protested "but those idiots wont even let me get with in ten meters of him! Thats not even close enough to trash talk!"
"Then sort them out" i growled
"Um have you two not got better things to worry about?" Ricardo interrupted "like that we're loosing?"
"Its not my fault!" I said "Thiago and david are crazy tonight, they didnt left my side the whole time!"
"But is this really worth it, if someone finds out, you two are going to get in so much trouble for this, Just about some girl"
"Carla's not just some girl!" I exclaimed angrily standing up. How dare he! "and this is not about her its for her, i cant have Neymar trying to steal her back, i really like her and i cant let him win!"
"Exactly!" Pepe added on the end. The team all looked around at eachother, "whatever Cristiano just don't lose the match for us for your own issue okay.."


We walked back out onto the pitch. I had tried to ask Thiago about the tactic change that was obliviously going on with some of the players but he just shrugged and said it was better if i didn't know. I walked out on to the pitch but suddenly and felt a large force on my shoulder and i stumbled foreword a few paces. I looked up just to see Pepe walking past me "what the hell?!" I exclaimed at him "that was not cool whats wrong with you?!"
"Oh whatever!" He huffed rolling his eyes "man up i barely touched you, damn no wonder Carla chose Cristiano, at least he can take a little shove" he said. I squared up to him and looked him in the eye. Before i could even say a word i felt Oscar grab my shoulders and pull me away. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed
"Neymar please just stay away from him!" He groaned walking back to his position.

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