Chapter 54

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He stared at me shocked. His eyes were wide and his jaw had dropped. I felt too scared even to move, i just wanted him to say something and i got more nervous at every second he stayed silent. I looked at his face, i couldn't tell what emotion he had, i didnt know if he was upset, angry, scared, all i could tell is that it wasn't a good emotion. He took a step backwards and continued to stare at me shocked. This is the reason i was so scared to tell him, because i still remembered the first time i told him this four years ago. I knew he wasn't going to be happy, and i was so scared of what might happen. Everything about him had changed completely, i didn't want to be here anymore i wanted to leave but i couldn't move, it felt horrible to say this but in this moment i felt scared of him. I regretted telling him this, i should have made sofia do it for me, i regretted everything that happened, i knew this wasnt going to end good.


"You're pregnant" he finally said "with my baby" he said it so quietly. Words failed me and all i could do was nod my head silently and i felt tears continue to fall down my cheeks. He looked down at the floor and shook his head "i don't believe this" he muttered to himself. He looked back up at me. I felt my heart beating so hard in my chest, i had never been so scared before, there was no way i could predict what he was going to do. Suddenly he stepped towards me quickly, i tried to step away but he grabbed my shoulders and held them firmly. He looked into my eyes.
"Are you serious?" He asked
"I am" i replied quietly
"Definitely you're pregnant, and definitely I'm the father?" He asked. I nodded my head, he was acting a way that i had never seen him act before and it was scaring me. I couldn't read what emotions where on his face, he was holding onto my arms so tightly that it hurt and his voice sounded almost aggressive. He started into my eyes and i looked back into his. Normally i love his eyes, but in this moment they were so piercing and intense and they had lost all the warmth and gentleness and now were empty and cold. He shook his head again "carla if this is a joke its not funny" he said, almost like a growl. "Im not joking!" I cried, i pushed his arms off my shoulders and stepped away from him

He looked down at my stomach then back into my eyes. He stayed silent and completley shocked for a few more seconds. "YEESSS!" He suddenly shouted with a massive smile on his face. He jumped forward and threw his arms around me. "Obrigado meu senhor!" He shouted picking me up and spinning me around. He kissed me suddenly then put me down again. He jumped back away from me again and put his hands on his head. "I don't believe this!" He exclaimed excitedly "youre pregant with my baby! Again!" He was literally jumping around with happiness "We're going to have a little baby! Like mateo!" He exclaimed "and i can see you with a baby bump! And i can feel the baby kick! And i can decorate a nusery! And we can have a baby shower! And- and- poker!" He suddenly gasped "poker needs to know!" He exclaimed and ran off into his house.

I stood there alone in his back yard in shock, i was trying to process everything that just happened but i couldn't because suddenly Neymar ran out of his house again with poker. Neymar ran across the grass with poker bouncing around by his feet. "We're having a baby we're having we're having a baby!" Neymar shouted excitedly. He dropped down on the ground and wrapped his arms around poker and they started playing in the grass together. "Now you're going to have two kids to play with!" Neymar laughed ruffling poker's fur. Suddenly he stopped and looked at me "you!" He exlaimed happily.

He got up and ran over to me. He picked me up and kissed me again "carla dry those tears girl we're having a baby!" He cried happily "this is the best thing ever!" He exclaimed. I looked at his happy face and smiled, i was speechless, i never thought that he would he so happy. "Carla girl your crazy! how could you be so nervous about telling me?!" He laughed
"Because last time when-"
"Last time?! Girl fuck last time! We're having a baby!" He exclaimed and spun me around again.
He put me down and took my hands in his. "I cant believe this is happening" he smiled quietly. Still i couldn't think of any words to say and i just stood there smiling. "Girl come here" he laughed wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly. He rested his head against my neck and kissed me again. "I cant believe we're having another baby" he murmured. I looked at him
"I cant believe youre so happy" i smiled. He looked at me too
"Carla of course im happy, this is my biggest dream" he smiled at me

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