Chapter 45

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~after the flashback~

I finished telling the story and looked at the ground. It was dark and complete silence outside. I wiped the tears off my face and looked at lionel. I was so terrified to know what he was going to think. He was sat in silence looking at the ground. "Lionel?" I said quietly. He didn't respond, not even a movement. "Lionel?" I said a little more loudly. He ignored me again. I looked down a sighed. I knew it, the story made him hate me. Now I've even lost my best friend because of what an idiot i was that day. "I understand you dont want to speak to me" i said quietly. "I'll leave now"

I stood up and started trying to walk away but Lionel suddenly grabbed my arm "wait!" He exclaimed. He stood up in front of me and looked into my eyes, i wasnt sure if it was just because of the way the lights in the trees were shining, but it almost looked like there were tears in his eyes. "You poor man!" He suddenly exclaimed pulling me in to a big hug "you poor poor man!"
"Lionel are you okay?" I asked shocked
"Forget about me! What about ? How can you be okay?!" He exclaimed "she means so much to you doesn't she!"
"She does" i sighed
"And everything you've been through these last four years, it was all for her wasn't it!" He exclaimed. I nodded my head and looked down at the ground. He looked up at me "neymar im so sorry i never knew what happened, if i knew then i would have done so much more to keep her here with you!"


I looked at him, he was starting to cry "lionel please dont start crying" i said "because if you start crying then im going to start crying" i said with my voice cracking
"Ahh we're both going to start crying!" He cried out hugging me again
"No llores por mi Lionel!" I cried throwing my arms around him
"Your poor damaged soul!" He cried back
"Its so damaged lionel! So so damaged.." I sobbed
"Im never going to let you go!" He cried hugging me tighter
"Thats all i asked" i cried into his shoulder
"Theres so much emotion" he whisperd
"We're crying like two little girls!" I cried onto his shoulder
"But we're two grown men!" He sobbed
"This must look so weird"
"Lets never tell anyone about this" he sobbed
"Agreed" i cried

"Umh guys what are you two- oh my god!" We heard a voice say. We looked and saw antonella stood there looking at us. She raised her eye brows and was looking at us like we were the weirdest people on earth. "Um is everything okay you two?" She asked awkwardly. Lionel looked at her with his face covered in tears
"We're just having some guy talk, we'll be inside in a few minutes okay amor" lionel sobbed
"Guy talk, um okay, do you two want anything?" She asked looking at us weirdly
"Can you make us some coco please? Thanks sweetie" Lionel cried
"Um yeah, i can do that, do you want anything with it? Cookies? Cream? Tampons maybe?" She replied awkwardly
"I'll have some cream, and can you put it in my favorite mug?" Lionel sobbed
"Um of course" she smiled awkwardly "neymar, how about you?"
"Can have a cookie?" I asked sadly. I suddenly felt my lip start to shake and the tears started again. "Oh god! Thats what my mom used to make for me!" I cried "minha mamãe! Cada dia que passa tenho mais saudades dela!" I cried out
"I got you big guy!" Lionel cried hugging me as i started to sob again "why is life so damn sad!" He cried looking at the sky. "And Shakira thinks her husband acts weird" antonella muttered as she walked back into the house.


~the next day~

"The cars here!" I heard Cristiano shout from downstairs. "Come on manny, lets go" i smiled taking his little hand "have you got everything?" I asked
"Yes mami" he replied
"Good" i smiled

We walked downstairs, cristiano was stood by the door dressed in a suit. He looked up and smiled at me "you look better today babe" he said
"I feel better" i smiled "but why are you wearing a suit?"
"The whole team has to wear a suit" he shrugged "i guess because its a special occasion so the coach wants us to look nice, lets go" he smiled opening the door.

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