a helping hand

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You looked over your shoulder to see that sun had grabbed your clipboard.

" Soo~ Our first chore is to gather plastic balls from the cleaner!"

You looked at him confused.

" You guys actually clean the ball pit?"

Sun tilted his head a bit in confusion.

" Well, yes? Wouldn't it be unsanitary for the kids to be playing in it?"

You shiver in disgust at the thought of what might stick to them.

" Well, alright. Where do I find it?"

Sundrop pointed twords the big wooden door that was behind you.

" Just exit out of the daycare, and make your way to Monty golf!
The cleaner should be located in the backroom."

You nodded and grabbed the clip board from his hands.

" Hey sun, uh- I have no idea how to get there.." You said as you scratched the back of your head.

He smiled and signed you to follow him.

" I'll show ya, I'll show ya!"

He grabbed your hand and dragged you along to the door, and out into the main auditorium.
As you followed sun, you looked around and took in your surroundings.
The walls were glistening with bright neon colors and the floor was reflecting them with it's checkered pattern.

As you were thinking, you noticed suns walking had come to a halt.
You looked up at him, trying to figure out what he was looking at.

" Hey, are you okay buddy?" You asked him.

He didn't reply, instead he tightened the grip around your hand and pointed at a room that was labeled
"glam Rock Roxy!".

As sun turned his head to face you, his expression was no longer a smile of joy. Instead, it was a face of pure horror.

" H-hey! Why are you making that face??"

" S-she's not there.." he stammered.
" She's supposed to be in her room!"

You felt your heart drop as he said that.

'Weren't the animatronics powdered down at night?
Why wasn't she in her room??'

You take your hand out of your pocket and grab out your flashlight.

" We need to move, NOW!"
You ordered sun as you grabbed his hand.

" W-wait! Don't we need to complete your task?!"

You look at him in disbelief.

"Are you crazy?! There's an animatronic in the loose! I've played way to many games to know that they're either out to kill you, or to eat you! "

And soon you were proven right.
You hear a voice coming from down the hall.

" I.. am the best! You will find them!"

The voice soon unveiled it's self to belong to a tall robotic like silhouette, accompanied by big bushy hair and a waging tail.

You rush sun behind a corner, and sit down.

" Don't make any noise. " You whispered to sun" If you do, she's going to find us"

Sun nodded in response and took a big breath of air, holding it in.

" Alright, it's a bit late to run, so our best option is to move quietly to the entrance. If we can do that without drawing her attention, we can make it into Monty golf and find that cleaner."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now