curiouser and curiouser

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Feeling cold, you start to stir in your sleep. you reached out your hand, trying to find a heat source.
After sweeping your hand across the floor, you notice the you can't feel sun anywhere.

So you open your eyes to see... nothing?

You blink a few times, trying to see if you were still sleeping.
But still, nothing appeared.

Untill you looked up, to see glowing stars on the ceiling and on the walls.

" Ah, so the lights went out? "

You slowly got yourself up, hearing a pop or two from your stiff joints.

You pulled out your flashlight and turned it on.

You begin scanning the area for the backup generators to the best of your ability.
It was difficult trying to find them in the play structure , considering it was almost pitch dark with only a dim flashlight to lead the way.

' damn, I should sue whoever made this maze. I can't find shit in here. '

You begin to crawl through what seemed like a tunnel, repeatedly looking behind yourself making sure nothing was there.

Soon you came to a junction. One way going left and, another going right.

" Decisions, decisions." You thought.

You decide to go right, thinking that mabye sun was nearby.

"Sun?" You yelled, hoping for a response.

There were a few moments of silence as you waited for his voice.

" Sun? isn't my turn to play?~ "

You jumped at the sudden response.

" WHO'S THERE?!" you shouted, your heart almost exploding out of your chest.

You see a dark figure slowly crawling towards you. It's bells jingling softly.

" Hehe.. "

You stumble back, quickly looking around for an exit.
You turn your head to see an opening in the wall.

' thank god '

You crawl as quickly as you can to the opening, hoping whatever was chasing you wouldn't be able to fit though.

Once you reach it, you take your hands and pry open the soft plastic wall, and squeeze through.
You plop onto the floor, your flashlight falling out of your hand and rolling across the floor.


You pull yourself back up, rubbing your head.

' fuck, fuck FUCK! where's the flashlight?! '

You look to your side where the flashlight was sitting. You run over to grab it, but two hands grabbed you before you could do anything.

" Don't try to escape love.. I'm more then capable of breaking every bone in your body with just one simple squeeze~"

You gulp, wondering
WHAT the hell was holding you and what it wanted.

" Who.. Who are you?" You ask, fear flooding you voice.

The voice was silent. Until you heard quiet chucking.

" L o o k u p. "

You hesitated, but looked up anyway.
There you saw two fiercely red glowing eyes staring down at you.

the light from it's eyes illuminated It's face reveling a crescent moon like shape with it's other half basically invisible because it was pitch black.
A big sharp toothy grin was plastered on its face. And on top of it's head, was a hat, accompanied by a little bell at the end.

You looked in disbelief. What the hell was this thing? And WHY was it in the daycare?

" What are you? " Is the only thing you could muster up to say.

It tilted it's head, clicking a few times.

" I'm Moon.. "

He took his finger and gently caressed your cheek, making sure not to scratch you with his sharp nails.

" And you must be y/n.. The person sun has been talking to, hm? "

You nod in response, not knowing what to say.

He looked at you for a minute. Then proceeded to put you down.
All you could do is stand there, processing what had just happened.

Moon adjusted his hat and his neck ruffle.
He looked down at you and grinned again.

" Y/n.. such a mouthful."

You snapped back to reality as he said that.

" What do you mean my names a mouthful?! It basically the easiest thing to say!"

He rolled his eyes, while rubbing his "chin".

" Hm.. starlight suits you much better darling~."

You blush a deep red at that name.

" Wha-?"

You stood there trying to figure out what to say.

"Fine." You huffed.

" But don't think that i actually like it. The only reason why I'm letting you call me that Is because sun wouldn't shut up about nicknames.. and plus it's only fair for you to call me one to.."

You tapped your foot quickly, trying to channel your overflowing embarrassment somewhere else other then your face.

Moon chuckled, his face rotating a few times.

" It's past your bedtime~ I should put you back to bed."

Grabbing your arm, He looked down noticing your scraped elbow from falling earlier.

" My, my! What an injury you have there! Let's go get you patched up first starlight.. I guess bedtime can wait a bit.."

{ to be continued}

A/N :



I thought it would be fun to add moon into the story too, so I hope you don't mind.

( FYI Moon will be a bit more *ahem* ✨ spicy ✨ later in the story. Sorry Not sorry lmao. )

And so will sun- but like.. moon is just a natural flirt y'know?😏

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

( I know I haven't been uploading lately but I'm back and better then ever. :))

The next chapter will be out sometime within 2 days ish lmao

Have a good day / night

- Vannah ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

( 936 words )


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