Moon And First Aid

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Moon grabbed your arm, making sure that he didn't touch your injury.

"So how did you even get hurt? Were you being reckless?"

You looked down at the floor, remembering what happened with Sun.

" Well it's hard to explain. All I can recall is that Sun malfunctioned and was unresponsive.  *Ahem* As for that scratch... I tripped on some equipment."

Moon looked at you, his eyebrow raised.

" Just a scratch? Really? "

You looked at him confused.

" Starlight, I wasn't invented yesterday. I know a severe injury when I see one."


He pointed at your arm.
It's not like you could see anything, so you took your other hand and felt for anything weird.

You thought he was just messing around, but when you reached for your elbow you could feel blood trickling down your arm.

" What the- how could you even see that it was bleeding?"

You look back up at him. He chuckled letting go of your arm and taped his eyes.

" night vision starrr~."

You weakly smiled and pulled back down your sleeve.  You didn't realize it before, but now that you were coming down from your adrenaline high you could feel the pain returning to your cut.

"Shit." You hissed.

Moon looked down at you as you began to slightly cradle your arm.

" ah right. Let's get you patched up. "

Moon said as he made his way behind the staff desk, opening a drawer and grabbing some alcohol wipes and a few gauzes.

When he returned, Moon had you rest your arm on a chair. He then carefully opened one of the alcohol wipes and placed in on your cut.

You sucked in your breath each time he had to touch the wound with one of the wipes.
You felt like screaming cause it was it was so painful. But instead, you tried to act tough.

He eventually was done disinfecting the wound,  and took the gauze and wrapped it around your arm.

" Tada~!" He jazz handed.

You looked at your now clean and wrapped arm. Free of blood .

" Thanks! "

You walked over to him and gave him a side hug.

It wouldn't have been awkward if your arm didn't hurt when you moved it.

" you're very welcome Starlight.. "

You sat down in one of the bean bags, patting the seat next to you. He made his way over and ploped down into one.

Only half of his body would really fit, so he decided to lay his head down on it instead.

------- time skip ♡

About an hour had gone bye since you both laid down.

And within that time, you talked to moon about what had happend earlier with sun and the other animatroics.

He questioned a few things, but you were able to answer them.

They were simple questions like:

" how's Sun doing?" And, " is he doing alright with the kids?"

You both talked for so long, you began to realize that you were getting tired. So without thinking you laid your head on moons shoulder drifting off to sleep.

He smiled and pulled a blanket over the two of you.

" goodnight starlight."


I'm back, and I'm starting off small:)

I have come to the realization that writing 1000 word chapters are prone to buring me out.

So for the rest of the book, I'll only be writing 500-600 worded chapters.

Next update is unknown. Possibly sometime next week.

Cya :)

Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now