A/N: we need to talk

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Hello there.
This isn't an update.

As you all have probably noticed, I haven't been updating the book in a while.

I'm sorry for that.

There has been a lot of things going on as of lately. Alot of it is psychological.

I'm not going into detail, as that is private information.

Meaning I haven't been in the best mindset to write or to tend to other things.

I need a few more days to heal, and to take care of myself.

And I understand that some of you readers are getting impatient. I understand that.

But that does NOT mean you should be messaging and threatening me to finish the book.

( This only applies to the readers who have messaged my TikTok and my Wattpad account. )

And for those of you who do message me demanding I finish the book are getting blocked immediately. Regardless if you are a follower or not.

Please just respect my boundaries and choices.

That's all I had to say.

Have a good day/night


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