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Astraeas POV

*next day*

'So the sceptre has the mind stone in it?' I asked

'Yes Astraea' Gamora said writing something down in her book, I was sat on her bed

'What's the mind stone do?'

'It allows the person who uses it to use mind control I think. I don't know it's full purpose but I think that's one of the things it can do'

'How do you know if someone's under the control of it though?'

'Their eyes go a deep vibrant blue, very unnatural looking' she said still writing in her book

'So let's say, hypothetically, if I got it and used it on... I don't know let's say father, he would be under my mind control? Have to listen to me?'

'Pretty much. Why do you ca-'

'Astraea!' Ajax shouted outside gamoras door banging on it

'Yes?' I said opening it

'Your late!'

'Oh. I'm coming now then'

'Bye Astraea!' Gamora shouted

'See you later!'

Walking with Ajax I seen Loki being taken out of the dungeons, probably to the steam box again.

I tried to look over my shoulder at him but Ajax wouldn't have it, slapping my face, hard.

'Head straight Astraea, how do you expect to be feared when your walk is pathetic'

'Sorry' I muttered keeping my head straight and focusing on my walk

'That's much better Astraea' he praised

'Thank you Ajax' I smiled

~3 hours later~

'Okay now if I go to kick you here' he said tapping my waist 'your quickest defence move is what?'

'Putting my full weight on my feet, pushing up doing a back flip, landing at a distance they wouldn't b able to kick me in, then when they miss their leg should wobble and that's when I strike, right?'

'Right! Let's try it'

He went to kick me and I did the flip but missed my chance to strike since his leg didn't wobble

'Your leg didn't wobble?'

'Well I was expecting it'

'Oh. Right'

'Dinners ready Astraea, come back after' father said standing by the door way

'Coming now father' I said walking towards him

'I was watching you there now' he said

'What did you think?'

'Your answer was impressive but the performance was mediocre'


Walking into the feasting room I took a seat beside Gamora

The only sound that could be heard was the clattering of the knifes and forks touching the places

'So... Astraea how was training today' Gamora said after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence

'Well I thought it went rather well, however it's come to my attention that the performance of my last technique was mediocre'


'Don't sit there and act as though it wasn't' father said 'I'm only trying to push you to become Gamora'

'I know' I sighed 'I'm sorry'

'Okay now let's forget about all the silly nonsense from the last few days, few weeks even. No more trips to the dungeons, no more missing training, no more brewing potions without my say and no more of this misbehaving, this applies to all of you'

'Yes father' we all said

'Good' he said smiling 'I trust I can leave you three alone without anything happening while I go to my room for the rest of the day?'

We all nodded our heads and watched as he walked out

Grabbing two bread rolls I stuffed them in my pockets and stood up

'Don't do it astraea' Gamora said

'You got off easy this time' nebula said

'I won't let him starve'

'You don't know that he's starving. He could be getting fed' Gamora said

'Im not taking the chance' I said walking out the door and running as fast as I could into the dungeon, checking to make sure I wasn't followed and that no one could see me.

'Loki' I whispered

'Astraea' he groaned laying down

'Are you okay?'

'Just out of that box' he said

'Two minutes' I said running into the prisoner kitchen getting a glass of water and grabbing the key to his cell.

Unlocking the cell I walked in

'Let me help you sit' I said placing the water down

'I can do it' he said forcing himself to sit up, making sounds of discomfort as he did so

'Drink' I said handing him cold water

I watched as it finished the drink all at once

'I brought you these' I said pulling out the two bread rolls

'Your an angel' he said then taking a bite from one roll

'I really need to go again, do you want more water?'

'No no. Go on, you've done enough'

'I'll see you soon' I said locking the door and leaving the keys where I found them and running back out and into the feasting room where nebula and Gamora were still seated

Sitting down I began to eat again

'So?' Gamora said


'Are you not going to tell us how this man has swayed your mind with his pelvic sorcery?' Gamora said

'He used no such thing on me!' I said staring at her with wide eyes

'You risk a lot going to see him, you've never been like that before, I believe pelvic sorcery was used, don't you nebula?'

'Morons' nebula muttered continuing to eat

'See. There is no such thing'

'Well there's something that's making you go back to see him everyday'

'... he's nice, I guess'

'When are men ever classified as nice ?' She said with a look of absolute disgust on her face

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