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Astraeas POV

I was around 5:45 am by the time I walked in to avengers tower, holding an iced tea

'What did you do?' Steve gasped as I walked in

'Why are you all still awake?!' I said seeing every single person was sat on the couch

'Waiting on you!' Natasha said

'Well I'm away to bed. Good night' I said walking off

'I don't think so' Tony said stopping me

'Im tired Tony! I've had a hard day'

'You have blood on you'

'It's okay it's not mine'

'I know that's why I want to know what you did' he said pulling me over to everyone else

'Nothing terrible'

'Raea? What happened' Steve said

'Well I went to his apartment-'

'Oh god, he's dead isn't he?' Tony said


'Just tell us what happened' Steve said

'Well I went to his apartment to confront him but I seen he was sleeping so I decided I would put the taser Tony gave me to good use, so i tasered him awake and' I started to laugh 'it was really funny honestly you should've seen his face' I said laughing really hard now then looking at Natasha who was holding a laugh in, as well as Clint. But no one else 'and uh I kept it there and I very carefully and gently slit a small portion of his arm open, only like 3 inches, and then I remembered the salt was on the coffee table so I grabbed that and poured only all of it on to the wound while still having the taser in his neck and then I stopped'


'That was until he shouted at me so I punched him extremely hard that it even slightly hurt me and broke his nose and then held these' I said pulling my retractable knifes out and putting them as a X 'like this over his neck and told him if he told anyone I was here I'd kill him' I smiled and when no one said anything I added 'and then I walked home and got this iced tea from some 24 hour shop, and an iced bun thing, it was de-lish'

'Right... well I mean as long as he doesn't tell anyone?' Tony said

'Tony! She's a kid and she did all that, you can't let her off with it!' Steve shouted

'I'm 20!' I shouted

'My point!'

'Just because I'm not over a hundred like you doesn't make me a kid Steve!'

'Raea you need to understand that is not okay at all' he said

'He deserved it!'

'Just because someone deserves it doesn't mean you should do it'

'Well you and I grew up differently didn't we?When I was 6 I killed for the first time. So don't come at me with shit like that!' I said storming off to my room

Tony's POV

'She doesn't know any better Steve. Just leave it and I'll talk with her in the morning' I said

'Tony? It's you getting in trouble if Noah does anything, you put her down as Astraea Stark for her citizenship to stay here'

'And I can pay for the case to go away. I'll deal with it, it's fine. I'll talk with her' I said

'I'll be having words with her again' he said then walking off to his room

'I didn't know you put her down as a stark?' Pepper said

I shrugged 'she didn't have a last name'

'So you just-'

'Yes. It's not a big deal, she's had a hard enough life. Jesus Christ did you all not just hear what she said? She first killed someone when she was 6! 6! Natasha didn't even do that!' I look at Natasha 'Sorry Natasha but it's true' I said and she nodded


Astraeas POV

Waking up the next morning I felt like shit, not because of what I did, I couldn't care less about that, but because of how I acted with Steve.

I got up and changed in to some grey sweatpants and a dark blue vest top and walked to Steve's room, knocking twice on the door

He answered yawning

'Can I come in?'

He yawned again moving over letting me walk in

'What's wrong?' He said sitting down in the bed

'I wanted to apologise for how I spoke to you last night'

He sighed 'come on, sit beside me' he said patting the bed

Sitting down beside him he wrapped his arms around me

'Don't be sorry, it's okay'

'I was just angry' I whispered

'I know' he whispered back

'It was just- I don't know how to explain it, like when I was back home it wasn't that I was always angry but I was usually angry and could take my frustration out on my sisters or in training, well Ajax would always beat me senseless if I came at him with an attitude' I laughed

'Your life was so unfair kid' he said hugging me tighter

'It made me strong, that's the only plus side of it'

'Steve you up?' Tony said knocking at the door

'Come on in' he said letting go of me then

'Well I was thinking th- Raea?'

'We're friends again' I smiled

Tony smiled shaking his head 'good, go get something to eat, Natasha and Clint made an English breakfast' he said taking my hand lifting me off the bed

Nodding my head I walked out to see everyone sitting on the table

'To be honest I didn't think what you did was that bad' Natasha said as soon as she seen me

'Thank you!'

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