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Dear Esme

At school today I saw you in the canteen, you were eating chips, like you always do on Fridays, like we always did on Fridays.
I wanted some too but only had enough money for fruit salad. Mum started the diet again about two weeks ago. So when I came home with the pizza the other day she was livid, me and Autumn laughed and ran upstairs with the box.

When I was in the cue for salad Darren came up behind me (Darren, he was once your friend as well) he scared me so much I spilt the fruit over him. "DUDE-" he began
"Darren I didn't mean to, your the one who- " I begged
"YOU WANNA PLAY LIKE THAT!" He yelled playfully
He snatched the ketchup from some lunch lady's hand and squirted all down my shirt
"Come on man, don't - " I pleaded
He cut me off by squeezing the sauce into my mouth while I was speaking, I grabbed some mushy peas and threw them at him.
Next thing I knew we were sitting down eating our chips and laughing.
" All those peas are still in your hair"I said while pulling a couple out
"And you still have sauce on your face" he laughed
"DUDE ! If you spit on your sleeve and whip it off my face I will go and get those peas again"
"I wasn't going to......" he said throwing his hands in serenader
"Although I thought about it" he mumbled
"Joking !!! Joking, now go get more sauce" He ordered
"I'm not your slave Darren!" I complained
"Fine we will just use what's left on your face!"
"Alright" I sighed

When I got up and went to the line I felt like all the lunch lady's were armed with various kitchen utensils ready for my next move. I grabbed some sauce and stood in line, and guess who came up behind me "YOUR BFF SAFFY your number one bæ!!" wasn't that what you said to her the other day?
She came up behind me and instead of saying excuse me she pulled the door to the drink machine open and it smacked right into me
"Ow !" I said
"Sorry I didn't see you, I'm just so used to ignoring losers, it's natural instinct"
"I get that feeling too! my natural instinct says your a jerk!" Then I whipped my sauce covered hands on her ugly white shirt, I walked off feeling smug
"Urgh!! Your such a loser !"
"And your such a bitch! Don't worry your pole dancing friends will have a spare top for you, coz besties got each others back!" I say the last bit trying to sound as girlie as possible
"Did you call me and my-"
"Yep." I say bluntly as I pulled out Darren's money
She scoffed, turned to the lunch lady and said
"do you have a wipe and a couple of bottles of sanitiser?"
The lunch lady just mumbled.
"Never mind !!" She said after 10 seconds
"Do you have some Diet water or low-fat tomatoes ?" The lunch lady threw her towel to the floor and stormed out.
"For fuck sake !" I said as I walked away
"Your still a sad lonely loser" she called bitterly after me
I stormed up to her and got right in her face
"YOU ARE SO DUMB!" they say no matter where you go in life someone is always going to hate you, BUT YOU HAVE A WHOLE NEW KIND OF HATRED COMING YOUR WAY."
"Why do you even have friends" she said pushing back tears
"Because I'm nothing like you." I said to her and then walked away

She ran over to you and sat down, I had gone and sat down with Darren. I was telling him what had just happened when I heard
"You can't eat chips!!! you're fat enough as it is" saffron said
I would never say that and you are not fat! I always made sure you knew that, even if you disagreed, I always made sure you knew it, Knew that your were beautiful.

Dear EsmeWhere stories live. Discover now