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Y/N: Ahh it was so tiring day..

Yoongi: Y/N are you back home

Y/N: Yes yoongs im here and im so hungry give me food.

Yoongi: Omg I forgot to keep dinner for you sorry.

Y/N: What how could you...ahhh i will die due go hunger. I will kill you for sure now.

Yoongi: (laughs)

Y/N: You are so bad ( dramatic crying)

Yoongi: crocodile tears (rolls eyes)

Y/N: Give me food... give me food (shouts)

Yoongi: Stop!!! my ears will bleed... I was joking.

Y/N: Hump! you are so annoying.

Yoongi: All thanks to you. Now eat this (points to the food kept covered)

Y/N: Wow yoongs i love it. ( eats fastly)

Yoongi: Kid !! good night (laughs)

Y/N: Gunnite

Yoongi: (smiles)

Author's pov...

Min Y/N a simple, sweet, cute and innocent girl but if someone tries to destroy her pride she is totally different person. Yes she is very smart and savage too. She hate lavish stufs. The only person she loves the most is her elder brother Min Yoongi.
Her parents got divorced when she was born ,from that time the only person left is her so called brother who took care of her all these years....yes they don't have blood relation still the love between them is above the real relations.

Now let's go to Seoul.

Now let's go to Seoul

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Manager:  Sir this month our sales was down and many shares went down and sir our most important contracts were also rejected

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Manager: Sir this month our sales was down and many shares went down and sir our most important contracts were also rejected.

Assistant: Sir I collected the information this all was due to.....
some....of...our... employees...only.... other companies...(scared)

???: Oh i see. Call those employees. Weeds are needed to be removed from ground or it will destroy the crops only.

Assistant: Yes sir..

Employees : Sir you called us what can we help.

???: Give me the details of your families each and everything NOW!!

Employees: (All Shocked) Sir how can we give you personal details...we are sorry sir we can't.

???: Even If I give you money in exchange.

Employees: No sir we won't we are not that cheap.

???: ok you are not cheap then what about the details of our company.
Don't you dare to lie I know everything.

Employees: (Scared)

???: I am not here to see your face give me a damn answer. (shouts)

Employees: Sorry sir

???: It was my mistake to trust you all.
You all are fired right now.
(ran fingers through hair)

Employees: No sir we will survive...we are sorry ...this will never happen again... please forgive us...sorry sir.

???: Sorry!! I just hate this word and trust (smirks) you all are snakes.

Employees: (cries) Sir please last chance.


Manager: Sir....calm... down.. please.. have....water... ( scared)

???: Make them leave

Assistant: Sir what will they do if you will fire them. Please leave them for this time.

Manager: Sir you are angry now please think properly its not a big matter.

( throws the glass on ground breaking it in pieces )

???: (glares at both of them) Who the hell are you to tell me what should I DO OR NOT !!

Employee1: He is such a asshole how can he fire us for such a silly reason.

(smirks on hearing it)

Employee2: Yeah just like his father.
(both laughs slowly)

???: ( walks towards him and give a punch on his face making him fall on the ground). How dare you even utter a word about my dad from your dirty mouth.

???: (holds his collar) It won't take me a second to burn you alive (gives another punch)

???: Manager!! kick them out of my office.

Manager: Ok...S..I..R..

( Throws the person on floor and slams the doors and walks out)

Assistant: Oh my god I almost got heart attack he is so scary...

Manager: Yes true and moreover his anger issue damn shit.

Assistant: It was my first time seeing him ( shivers)

Manager: Oh yes you are new right...then be ready for more.

Assistant: Oh god!!! ...
(both sighs)

Assistant: hey everyone calls him sir, do you know his full name ??

Manager: yes...

                 KIM TAEHYUNG!!!

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Hope You all like it :)
Tell me if any changes are required.
Thankyou and Bye.

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