He will leave?

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Present Day.....

Yoongi: Y/n wake up...you having been sleeping whole day....get up fast.

Y/n: Ahhhh yoongs my head hurts badly....

Y/n: who was he?

Yoongi: who...Y/n what happened.... any guy tried to do anything.....

Y/n: ahhh i didn't remember him

Yoongi: are you okay? did he hurt you...(worried)

Y/n: Don't worry yoongs im alright..
(smiled brightly)

Yoongi: You sure?

Y/n: Yes (smiles)

Yoongi: Ok then come let's have lunch....

Y/n: Hm ok....wait what....lunch... really.... gosh i slept so long

Yoongi: hm

Y/n: *why is he sad today*

Y/n: Yo...u did...n't umm go to w....ork tod..ay (speaks while eating)

Yoongi: I don't understand alien language.

Y/n: ufft im asking what about your work??

(silence took place all of sudden)

Y/n: why are you silent?

Yoongi: Y/n i need to tell you something.....(in sad voice)

Y/n: yoongs why are you...

Yoongi: Y/n I have to go now....

Y/n: (panics) You can go anywhere...but why you...

Yoongi: (looks at her with teary eyes)
you know that this year my studies completed and yesterday I got call from my father he wants me back in that country to run his business....

Y/n: i will also come with you....take me to your country....i will talk with uncle....(tears form in your eyes)

Yoongi: He hates you....he hates that all these years i took care of you.....he won't let you be with me and moreover he might get me married too....and i can never see you then....

Y/n: we were together for 10 years i had no one that time but then you came....i got brother....and now how can you one day come and say i can never see you...

Your voice cracked at the end and you were a crying mess. Yoongi was speechless he too was very upset and broken. Never in dreams you imagined he will leave you one day.

You were living with your grandmother after your parents divorced and left the country soon after you were born. But unfortunately she died when you were just 6.... your life became empty and of no use but then yoongi came in your life. He just came to country for his studies but ended up like this.

Y/n: WHY WHY WHY ALL HAVE TO LEAVE .....am i so bad or im worst....
(ran out of the house)

You were hurt. All the people one day leaves you this thought was killing you. You went to jisso's house

Yoongi: (crying) im sorry y/n....im sorry...

im sorry

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