Chapter 1

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Getting ready for the day, I walk around my small room in perfect, practiced silence. Getting ready for work in silence to make sure my foster parents stayed asleep.

Around this time, most people my age would be on their way to school, meeting up with friends.
Friends were never really my thing anyway, and I need the money. 

Having graduated high school when I was 12 years old, I started collecting as much money as I could. I got as many small jobs as I could until I was old enough to hold a real job, all the while applying to different colleges, most of which gave me a full ride. I accepted two at a time, getting different degrees, and now I'm just waiting to age out of foster care to join my dream job. I already applied and now I just need to hear back.

At this point, I have enough saved up to get a small apartment and a savings account. As an added bonus, my job gives me a good excuse to get out of the house, even if Mark sometimes tries to take some of my money. I'm smart enough to have various different stashes, some of them not even being in this house. The one he knows about is where I hide the least amount, only enough to keep him from being suspicious.

Grabbing my bag, my breath hitches in my breath as I accidentally knock it over, sending it, and its contents to the floor. At the very last second, I come to my senses and make a strong current of air catch them before they could hit the floor, gently lowering them to the floor.

Not many people in this world are mutants, I just happen to be one of the lucky ones. My sister and I are both mutants, and according to some stupid law, only mutant foster parents can foster mutant kids. This makes it so much easier for them to control us, depending on their mutation, and my current placement are both mutants, the man has super strength and the woman can duplicate herself.

Looking out the window, I check to make sure that nobody's around to watch before urging the tree branch on the large Oak to grow to my window. As the branch grows, I unlock my window, stepping out into the slightly chilly air, sneaking out of the house successfully.

Near the end of my shift at the calm library, two drunk men walk in, swaying up to the front desk where I was reading my new book. I glance over to where I thought Matt was, seeing as he's the only other person on shift with me, only to see him not standing near the computer anymore.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I ask in my usual customer service voice, a forced smile making its way to my face.

"No, we're just looking..." The slightly larger man answered suggestively with a crooked smirk on his face, barely answering the question coherently. I know that smirk all too well and I can feel all hope drain from my body that they're just looking for a book. I shiver unintentionally as waves of their arousal and few other emotions hit me, making me feel entirely disgusted.

After a few silent moments of me not knowing what to do, they seem to notice in their drunken state that they've clearly been staring for too long. Now turning around, they finally pretend to look at some books, making a mess along the way. They look up a bit more than occasionally, trying to 'sneak' a glance at me.

10 minutes and 42 seconds later, my shift is finally over, and I'm extremely pleased to be out of their presence. Swiftly collecting all of my things, I exit the building, glancing back at the two creeps who invaded my safe space. Who were still staring at me.

Making my way out of the parking lot, I turn down an alley that I usually use as a shortcut if I need to get to the house quickly. The further I get from the library, the more obvious the sound of footsteps behind me gets, getting closer and closer. Quickening my pace in an attempt to escape, I hear their footsteps match mine, telling me my attempts were in vain.

"Hey, Baby, why you walking' so fast? Don't you wanna have a good time?" The slurred words behind me ask. "We can show you a good time," He continues, not getting or ignoring the hint of my silence and quick steps.

"No, I'm just trying to get home." I muttered, still hoping they would just leave me alone. But, with the luck I seem to always have, they continue in their pursuit. I try to push a calm emotion over them, trying to get them to stop, but their drunken state makes this near impossible.

"Oh, come on! Don't be a bitch, just have some fun with us." The other man spoke for the first time, grabbing my arm and yanking me towards him, giving me a good view of his rotten teeth and the repulsive smell coming from his mouth.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I shout at the man, trying to yank my arm back to myself.

"Come on baby, stop fighting, we just want some fun," The original man whispered in my ear making me cringe away.

In a sudden sense of panic, I prepare myself to use my powers, even though I try to never use them. That would mark me as a known mutant to the rest of my town, who are not exactly known for their acceptance of mutants. Before that thought can get anywhere past the anxiety-induced planning stage, a loud thud hit my ears, and the smaller man falls to the ground.

"Get the hell off her right now before I bust your face in!" Matt yelled at the man, holding a bat. Immediately, the drunk man scrambled away from me, about to turn for escape. "And don't even try to run, the cops are already on their way," Matt demanded, swinging the bat dangerously close to the man.

With my brain finally deciding to function again, I get up and scramble my way over to Matt. Still holding the bat in his right hand, Matt holds me with his left, tucking me to his side, comforting me while still making sure the men stayed put. The anger, anxiety, and lust filling the air is nearly suffocating, but I push it down.

The police arrive, putting the man in handcuffs before talking to us, asking some questions. Throughout the questions, I was shaking and I just couldn't shake the one thought going through my head.

My foster father - Mark Moriarty - is going to kill me when I get home. I am so dead for being so late.

The Bureau's New Kid (Criminal Minds fanfic, possibly Spencer Reid fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now