do i know you?

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the reader doesn't realize who she just met

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the reader doesn't realize who she just met .


you balanced your butt on the backrest of the bench while your feet rested on the seat. you watched as people ran out into the water while others basked in the hot sun.

"what're you doing out on this beach by yourself?" a woman walked up to you , wearing sunglasses and a hat. your head whipped toward the brunette woman as your eyes squinted when you saw the sun behind her. "sorry that sounded creepy." she muttered with a laugh.

her laugh is pretty

"hanging out." you replied simply with a shrug , looking back out to the ocean in front of you. "mind if i sit?" she asked , gesturing toward the empty seat next to you. "nope , i'd love company." you smiled , leaning over to pat the empty spot and she smiled before looking at the ocean herself.

"so you do this a lot?" the woman asked , not even looking at you. you took the time to take in her covered face , even with a hat and sunglasses you would tell that the woman was beautiful. "yeah. mainly when i'm bored and no one wants to do something with me. which obviously happens a lot." madison felt a little bad for you , a small frown forming on her lips.

"it's not all too bad though. i can watch the ocean for hours. plus pete over there gives me the leftover pizza when he has to close up." you reassured before gesturing toward the pizza shop right behind the two of you. the both of you looked over and caught pete's gaze to which he waved over at you , causing the both of you to wave back.

"so what brings you here? i've never seen you before." you asked and madison sighed. "having a rough day. things get too much and normally i go see my family but i have to stay in california because i have stuff to do the rest of the week." she answered and you nodded. "well ... you came to the best place to release stress." you smiled while your arms spread out gesturing toward the whole beach.

"what else do you do other than go to the beach?" she asked , feeling like changing the subject. "tv or any weird hidden talents?" she added and you chuckled , moving to sit on the seat of the bench , hands spreading to the backrest but careful to not touch the woman.

"no hidden talents , but i do play the guitar pretty good. other stuff? not too much." you laughed before continuing. "i don't watch a lot of films or shows or anything. but music. whew ! i absolutely love music. i have no idea where i would be without it , you know?" you asked , looking up at the 'stranger'. "you have no idea." she laughed lightly , shaking her head slightly. "you have a favorite artist?" she asked , her hands clasping on her lap.

you thought for a little bit before sighing. "madison beer definitely." you mumbled and the woman furrowed her eyebrows. "oh." she spoke softly , like she was taken aback by the response. "madison beer ? really?"

"what you don't like her?" you joked and the woman laughed even more. "no it's just i never thought anyone really listens to her." she waved her hand around and you smiled. "what is she underground , why can't she be my favorite?" you asked to joke with her even more. "no-it's ... never mind. please continue."

"but yeah i mean she's amazing. i think just the way she sings is top fucking tier. and she's an awesome person , super down to earth. and on top of all of that , she's beautiful. there's just no way she wouldn't be my favorite." you answered like it was the dumbest question you were asked.

"this is a little awkward now." the woman laughed awkwardly and you furrowed your eyebrows. "what why-" she took her hat and sunglasses off and your jaw dropped. "oh fuck me." you mumbled and madison moved back in surprise at the response.

"we just met , calm down there." you both laughed but you were still processing everything. "holy shit. im-this is embarrassing." you stated and madison giggled. "i can't believe i just rambled about you , to you."

"there's been worse."

"how did i not fucking notice you?" you asked , standing up suddenly. she simply shrugged and laughed.

hours passed and the two of you exchanged words like you had known each other forever. it had gotten so late that pete called over to you and gestured toward the left over pizza , both you and madison took the offer and continued your conversation. more hours passed and madison cussed at the notification on her phone. "i gotta go." she mumbled simply. "my ride just got here." you walked her over to the car before stopping a little back , allowing her space to get into the vehicle.

"see you again?" you asked as she got ready to get in the car.

"hopefully you recognize me next time." she joked and you laughed. "i will."

"well , put this number to use then." she walked back over to you to put her own phone number in your phone quickly. she jogged over to the car and got in. while the car pulled away her window rolled down and she waved bye.

as soon as you couldn't see the car anymore you turned around and jumped in the air repeatedly before looking around and calming yourself down realizing that you weren't alone.

holy fucking shit i can't believe i just met madison fucking beer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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