Chapter 5. Days Pass By

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A/N I'm sorry the last part was so shitty I'm just writing like crazy these past few days :') please be patient with me. Also this chapter will have slight adult themes, no sex but partial nudity so be warned <3

The rest of the day went by like a blur. I dropped water on Antonio's head like I promised, though I was a bit late. He asked for it again and again until I finally had to stop.

My suspicions had been confirmed, that Abuela had left without saying goodbye. Oh well. What should I do, hunt her down? No, I'll stay here and wait. I'll try to perfect my gift so when they do come, they'll see I was never cursed at all.

But the days began to blend together, and I developed a routine in this madness; I would help the women do laundry in the morning, and pull water into the farmer's fields in the evening. It became unspoken that Camilo and Antonio would trade places so that we would sit together. Every day he would ask more silly questions, trying to get me to laugh.

Today was no different.

"What's black and white but red all over?"

"I'm not sure."

"A newspaper." He laughed.

"Okay, okay, you're really gonna like this one. Close your eyes, and guess who I changed into."

I closed my eyes and heard a thud as if his leg hit the table. "Luisa!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, I know you peaked!"

I shook my head, no! But when I opened my eyes he was Camilo again.

Dinner soon ended, followed by clearing the table. I figured this small routine would continue until Camilo asked another question as we were gathering our things. "Have you ever been swimming?"

"I... Yeah, when I was really little. They used to have swimmer contests at home. But now I'm not allowed."

"Well, you're not home. So let me take you!" He smiled and took my hand to lead me to the same watering hole where I helped women do laundry.

It looked entirely different at night. Though it was still surrounded by lush and verdant scenery it was now covered by night, with the light of the moon bringing a slight glow to the canopy leaves and wherever she could shine through. The air was somehow not yet chilly, perfect for night. Camilo took off his shoes, ruana and undershirt, and rolled up his pant legs until it resembled swim attire.

"Aren't you gonna get ready?"

"Well, I can't exactly take off my shirt like you."

"Then come in your clothes! You can dry them off!" He shouted, running towards the water. I thought for half a moment before following quickly behind him on bare, brown feet.

We reached a rock that stood up high over the water. "It's really deep here. I swim all here the time! You can jump off this rock like you're diving."

And so he did a cannon ball, pulling his body into one singular shape. Although he was quite lean I began to notice budding muscles on his thin arms and back. His shoulder blades protruded in his adolescent frame.

I followed, leaning forward to dive. I put my hands in front of me. For some reason I never plugged my nose when I swam. I sank deep into the darkness of the water. Though it was used for things, through some magic it remained clear and fresh. Once we'd both risen to the surface, making little waves, I had an idea. He floated on his back, his curls completely soaked. I slowly concentrated on the water in front of me to push him away until he noticed he was being pushed by a small wave and began to laugh. "Y/N! Not fair!"

"Why not?" I let out a little laugh as he scrambled away from the wave and tried to swim back towards me with his head above water.

"Because, I can't push you, you're a girl!" He said.

"Why can't you push me? We're just playing!"

"Fine then, suit yourself." Once he got close he raised his arms and slammed them down, making a small wave that splashed towards me.

I rolled my eyes, this time physically, and scrambled to raise my upper body out of the water. I tried to mentally push the water underneath me down until I was nearly standing on it, only my knees submerged, though I knew the water went much deeper.

He fell back, staring slightly in awe before continuing to make little waves in my direction with his arms. Suddenly, he spoke. "Y/N... your shirt's a little see-through."

I felt my cheeks burn red as I came crashing back into the water. It's fine, I told myself, all I have to do is keep my chest below the water. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. I didn't really see anything, I promise. He gave a sincere smile, but somehow it felt a little false. "Let's just go back to playing. Hey, do you wanna know a game we play a lot? I bet you'd be good at it!"

"Sure." I replied shyly, my cheeks still red as guavas.

"Okay, so we swim in a circle, and try to make a currant until it can carry us around." He began to swim in a circle around me, and I followed behind him, until a small currant formed and we began swimming faster than our bodies moved.

"Can you use your gift to make it stronger?" He asked.

"I think so." I pushed the water in front of me in the same motion we were moving until I could feel the strong currant pulling at my feet. The momentum was slowly, slowly building up until it'd been a few minutes.

"Now we're just riding in the little whirlpool we made." Camilo said with a smile, leaning back and letting the currant take him for a spin. I decided to lay back too and join him, though I tried to keep the front part of my body under water, only my head and neck down to my collar bones peaking out of the surface.

We stayed like this in silence for a few minutes before the currant died down, and continued splashing water and laughing at each other.

"You ready to get out and dry off?" He asked after about half an hour.

"Mhm." I replied. "This was a lot of fun."

"I knew you'd like it." He smiled and we swam to the soft dirt of the shore before standing up. I knew my top would probably be see through still, so I decided to face away while I pulled the water in little streams off of myself. Soon I was as dry as I was before I came in, except for my hair. I left that just a little damp so it would dry fluffy and pretty.

"Can you do me?" He asked. He was still standing shirtless in just his trousers.

I nodded yes and began to pull the water off of him out into a small orb before dropping that back into the watering hole. He quickly got redressed before I could really take in his body on dry land.

"Do you wanna see something else really cool?" He asked. I nodded yes again and he grabbed my hand, leading me to a grassy patch.

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