Was it a Dream?

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What a cute duo.

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Narrator's Pov
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Shouka's eyes opened sharply as she shot up, gasping for air.


Shouto: Shouka! Are you okay?

Her twin brother Shouto came rushing through the door and patted her on the back.

Shouto: It's alright, it's alright, what's wrong?

Shouka: N-nothing I- . . . .just had a bad dream. . .

She expressed unsurely.

Shouto: ※Sighs※ Well I'm glad you're feeling better, come on, mom's making breakfast.

She stretches.

Shouka: Hnnnggghhh ah, I'll be out in a sec.

Shouto nods and promptly dismisses himself to leave Shouka to get ready.

He walks down a hallway, smelling the wonderful aromatics as he approached the kitchen.

Shouto: Mom- MM!?

Shouto looked behind and saw Fuyumi holding him back.

Fuyumi: Shh! Look.

She pointed into the kitchen, Shouto followed her finger and lo and behold, Hisashi was slow-dancing with Rei.

Shouto: Woah.

Fuyumi: This is the first time I've seen mom dance.

Shouto: And seen her smile so dearly.

The siblings share a quiet moment as they continue to watch their mom share a loving moment with someone who finally made her happy.

Natsuo: Mom! Have you seen my socks?

Fuyumi and Shouto tried to keep him away.

Fuyumi/Shouto: NO!

Hisashi: Huh?

Rei: Huh? EH!? ※Blush※ K-k-kids!? How long have you been there!?

Natsuo: I was just coming in and-

Fuyumi: No! No! No!

Shouto: Natsuo-nii no!

Natsuo: -these two were posted at . . . the. . .door. . . .am I missing or interrupting something here?

Rei: Nothing at all.

Rei assured them whilst arranging her already clean self, Hisashi dusting off her shoulder a bit, causing the two to quickly share a smile.

Shouto: Eh-hem!

Rei: So! What do you guys want to eat?

Shouka: Bubble pancake.

Shouka stated as she entered the frame, Hisashi sweatdropped at the mention of Bubble Pancake.

Rei: Surely! Eh. . .just one question, how do we make that?

Shouka: Oh? Don't you know? I thought you made that for us one time? You know, with ice cream and all?

Rei: Huuh? I never. . . made that, are you sure?

Shouto: Shouka what are you saying? Mom never made that, at least I don't recall it.

Shouka: Weird, I could've sworn she once did, how about Eggs Benedict?

Rei: Oooh! A nice choice, I'll get started now.

Hisashi: And while you do that, I have some work to do, see ya around, guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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