Chapter 6- Marty Jong asks a girl out

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It was a regular old day for regular old Marty Jong. He left his sleeping wife on the bed, kissing her goodbye, already thinking of the two twins in the secret Starbucks. He just had to see either one of them again ( he didn't care who ), and he would do anything. Anything. Quickly, he penned a note addressed to them: Aliciane, I have a showing of Les Mis and have prime box seats, will you come and watch with me? One of my best french horn players ( My community service options were either to sponsor a french horn player or actually learn it- of course I chose the money. Cash solves everything as I'm sure you know. ) are in the show, and I would love for you to see his expertise. If you accept, it'll be a date! Sincerely, Marty Jong, CEO of JONG Enterprises, richest man in the country . He then sent the note to his secretary Donna Duncan, who forwarded it to Aliciane's email ...

Only time will tell if they decide to accept. 

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