Chapter 10 - Reburka Jong spills the tea

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Reburka was a respectable woman. A woman who was educated, who thought freely and didn't allow foolish thoughts to cross her mind. But as she thought of the charming detective who had met with her this morning, asking if her husband had perhaps been frequenting any sugar babies lately. Reburka, of course, wished to keep her husband's affairs (and her own) private. Though something about his message was so innocent and lovely, every word was laced with grammatical and pronunciation errors but still somehow understandable. For example he asked her: ''how do you like the secret New York, Is nice huh?" Because even though his English was clearly very poor, the man had a brilliant mind, she could tell. She was the one who had made most of the millionaires and billionaires in secret Manhattan, she had even gotten a few into secret secret Manhattan. So you should trust that Reburka Jong knows when a brilliant mind is at work.

Having been too enticed by the deep black of Detective CCC's eyes (as he liked to call himself), she spilled everything she knew, like an idiot. He was just so could even see a faint outline of his abs, far better than the fat that rested permanently on her husband's stomach. She grunted at the idea of producing his child. It would tear her apart, her beautiful, delicate features would be ruined and she would have to pay a visit to a blasted plastic surgeon in secret secret secret LA (secret Los Angeles has been taken over by a bunch of poor people - just so sad that their filthy hands have to ruin everything.) 

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