Thanks for the Memories

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The lush green grass tickled Sophie's ankles as she walked slowly through the Wanderling Woods, the sun shining on her soft golden hair. The woods had always been a hard place to visit, but now it was different. Now it was worse, and every step Sophie took felt like it was bringing her closer to her impending doom.

Her knuckles were white from clutching a large memory log to her chest. The forest green cover blended in perfectly with Sophie's long dress, only standing out when it reached the cream-colored sash. Despite the simplicity of the book, it had taken her weeks to find.

She hadn't felt ready to return to this area of the woods ever since her last visit about a month ago. At least at the planting she hadn't had to see the appearance of the Wanderling. She had to force her legs to function as she neared the young tree standing a few meters away.

The light bark was speckled with tiny brown dots and was twisted in an almost playful way. Shaggy pale yellow leaves that somehow remained beautifully immaculate covered the short branches, and tiny ice blue blossoms were nestled between them.

Sophie sucked in a slow shaky breath as she glanced between the Wanderling and the gold engraving of a gulon on the memory log cover. This was harder than she'd expected. She had a full fifty-something years of memories to cover, wonderful memories that made the current situation so much harder to handle. Still, everyone had told her to try, that maybe it would help.

I guess there's only one way to find out.

Slowly, Sophie settled down on the grass and leaned her head against the bark of the young tree. Then she let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, and allowed herself to slip into her past.


Sophie's white locker was overflowing with so many gifts that she could barely close it. It amazed her how much attention she still got, despite the final battle against the Neverseen having been two whole years ago.

As she walked, Sophie brushed her hands against the walls and hallways of the Level Six wing at Foxfire.It was hard to believe this would be her last day in the Basic Levels. She'd spent so many days here, so many fun times. She wanted to engrave this place in her memory, remember the feel of every wall, every floor, every window. She wandered around practically the entire school before turning down a wide corridor with stark white walls that gave her an odd sense of deja vu.

"You must be lost."

Then again, she'd recognize that voice anywhere.

Keefe Sencen was sprawled across a bench, clad in the silver Level Eight cape, his smirk wide as ever. The scene sparked Sophie's memory – this was where she'd first met him. She'd gotten lost on her way to the Healing Center after splashing herself in her first alchemy session, and he'd shown her the way and stayed with her until the checkup was over.

"How did you know?" she responded, using the exact same words she had on that day four years ago.

Keefe's smirk shifted into a fond smile, and he sat up to make room for her, patting the side of the bench in a beckoning gesture. For what may have been the first time in her life, Sophie couldn't think of a single reason not to join him.

"That day feels like so long ago," she said, sitting down beside him. "It's like it's from another lifetime."

"I get what you mean," Keefe nodded, scooting over in her direction. "We were both so young – and you were still our innocent little Foster, before you got all these crazy powers." He reached out to ruffle her hair.

Sophie swatted his hand away, triggering a laugh. "I can't believe you're leaving. It'll be so weird not having you here, not seeing you every day at lunch or detention."

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