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      While James was cooking the boys’ favourite meal, the five of them got to talk about how they have been holding during the time they hadn't seen Regulus. The gifts for the boys were now hidden in a better place, in James's bedroom, under his bed.
      “Well, Prongs? How’s the food going? We're starving!” Yelled Remus from the living room, where the rest of the boys had been sitting. “I’ll be there with your plates in a few minutes, be patient, you child.” James laughed while stirring the pasta in his favourite frying pan, now out of his leather jacket, with his sleeves being pulled up due to the heat of the pan.

       “Who are you calling a child?!” Remus pretended to be offended, grasping his sweater in his fist, making a fake sob sound.
“You drama queen, Sirius is rubbing off on you!” To that, Regulus laughed loudly, his laugh raspy and uneasy. Sirius gasped. “Reg! I haven’t heard you laughing in years!” Sirius smiled proudly, Wallgebra raised both her children to be stern and emotionally dead. “Well, I can’t help it. You really are a big drama queen, brother.” He smiled fondly, as the rest of the boys laughed loudly, and Sirius blushing from embarrassment.

      “Awww! Siri’s blushing!” Cooed Peter, earning a hit on the shoulder from Sirius.
“Hey!” He laughed. “Don’t you hit me again, Sirius Black!” He faked wiping a tear off of his face. “Shut up, you tiny creature!” He thought of an insult as quick as he could, earning a huge dramatic gasp from everyone. Peter got up, pushing his chair on his way. “Who are you calling tiny?” He had a dangerous look on his face.
       Sirius tilted his head, daringly. Peter smirked and stood straight stretching his head and back how much he could.  Now, he was taller than Sirius. “Hey! You're cheating!” The laughing roared from everyone, as Regulus’ quickly got up and made his way towards the kitchen, successfully, staying unnoticed.

      “Hey, James.” He said, when the brunette noticed his presence in the kitchen. “Hey baby Black! Why are you here, the food will be there in no time?” He asked, smiling.
Regulus smiled just so slightly.
“No no! I’m just here to keep you some company, it's not nice to leave you here cooking alone.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. James’ smile only grew.
      “Wow, Reg! You have really gone soft!”
James was admiring Regulus as his face got covered by a hint of crimson. “Aww! Don’t be embarrassed, baby Black, you’re right, I don’t like cooking alone.” He pulled the frying pan out of the fire and with a big spoon, he divided the pasta into five plates, equally.

      “Can I try?” Regulus got closer to James, looking at the steaming meal in front of him.
“Be patient, Reg!” He slapped Regulus’ hand, which was going to grab a fork and taste the amazing looking pasta. “Okay okay! I’m terribly sorry, your Highness!” He chuckled.
“Oh, Regulus, I’m flattered!” Squeaked James, dramatically putting his hand over his forehead. “You're making me blush!” He fell into Regulus’ arms, a goofy smile spread over his face, looking up at the Slytherin.
“Hey, James! What's taking you so long—” His eyes widened “Oh—” he breathed. Sirius’ eyes widened and a terrified look formed on his face.

      “Wait, no, Siri!” James pushed himself foreward, but Padfoot was already out the kitchen. “James is shagging my brother!” He heard the raven haired boy yell to his friends. “No I'm not!” He shouted back. “Oh come on, Sirius, leave us alone!” Yelled Regulus, stomping his foot like an un-fairly treated child. “Hahahaha! So you admit it dear brother! James! What have you done to my baby brother?” Yelled Sirius, pulling Regulus onto his arms, ‘protecting’ him from James, who was now making his way out of the kitchen, carrying five heavy plates.

      “D’you need help with that, James?” Regulus offered, reflexively. Sirius’s face tuned into a terrified one. “You know, Reg I was joking about the shagging bit, please tell me it's not true.” He whispered dramatically.
“Of course it's not true, you moron!” Regulus raised his voice a little bit, just enough to show how  flustered he was. “I wouldn’t mind.” James said at the exact same time, loudly enough for everyone to turn and look at him with a mortified —or amused— face. “Oh Merlin, no! I’m getting mental pictures!” Yelled Peter, covering his eyes and helplessly turning to Remus.

      “Hey! That’s my brother you’re talking about, Prongs!” Yelled Sirius, and sudden change of tone in his voice, now serious, and stern. Meanwhile, the black haired boy was covering his face with his hands, trying his best to make his embarrassed go unnoticed.
“Are you okay there, Regulus?” laughed Remus, throwing a pillow at the Slytherin’s direction. “Hey! Moony, don't throw things at Reg!” Scolded Prongs, setting the plates down carefully, almost dropping his own.
“You should be more careful, you know.” Whispered Peter, uncovering his eyes and pushing the ceramic plates farther away from the edge of the table.

      “James! Are you shagging my brother?”
Sirius said, in a hoarse voice. “Is it true?”
Regulus rolled his eyes and sighed disappointedly. “What do you think, brother dear?” He said in a monotone, impatiently, as he picked up a plate of pasta and grabbed a fork. “If you answer yes, I will stab you with this” He showed off the metal object. “Oh please, you could never hurt me.” Sirius smiled smugly. “You know it.” “Oh well!” Sighed Regulus, “I guess you're right.” He paused for a second.  “But, for your information, no, I'm not shagging Potter” He smiled sarcastically.

      James looked at the two with a frown on his face. “Sooo, Reg” He continued with the conversation, “What do you think of my recipe? You wanted to try it before.” Regulus’ eyes lit up as he remembered the food he was holding. “Ah yes! It's amazing, James!” He exclaimed excitedly, a smile appearing on his face, as the other three continued talking, ignoring the two.
      “I’m going to need you to teach me how to do that!” He laughed and threw his head back, almost hanging it off the back of the couch, touching the —charmed to be— warm wall. “I will” sighed James, as he did the same, moving closer to the raven. They both enjoyed the cozy company of eachother, and the rest of the Marauders.
They ate their delicious food, played some explosive snap, wizard’s chess, and drank a couple bottles of Muggle whiskey. ‘Black Label’, Regulus had bought it.

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