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Nicole blinked her eyes open, her head pounding, then turned to see Courtney lying next to her

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Nicole blinked her eyes open, her head pounding, then turned to see Courtney lying next to her.

"Good morning, miss Nicolette." Courtney greeted.

"What did we say about calling me that?" Nicole said.

Courtney shrugged. "You know what I just realized? You have nicknames from your nickname."

"What?" Nicole furrowed her eyebrows.

"You know, like your name is Nicolette, but everyone calls you Nicole, but then your sister calls you Nic, Eli used to call you Nikki before he started calling you sunflower, and everyone else calls you Cole sometimes." Courtney explained.

"Is this what you think about all day?" Nicole questioned.


Nicole sighed and tilted her head back.

"My head hurts." She groaned.

"I knew you might say that. You're hungover, so I made you a little package." Courtney smiled.

"A package?"

Courtney handed her a gift bag. "It includes a gatorade, granola bars, some vitamins, and ibuprofen."

"Ugh, you're the best."

Nicole opened the ibuprofen and popped one in her mouth, swallowing it with the gatorade.


"Duh. I am the best friend you will ever have."

"I agree. There's no one out there better than you." Nicole smiled.

Courtney giggled and gave her a hug.

"Now, you've got a tournament to prepare for."

"So do you."

Courtney shook her head. "Nah, I'm not participating. Don't get me wrong, I love karate, but I'm not cut out to be a champion. We all know that cheer is more my speed. I can still kick ass, but I think I'd rather watch you do it."

"I mean I wish you were competing, but I support whatever you choose to do. Now, you might not be happy with me when I say this, but I don't know if I want to compete either." Nicole replied.

"What? No, no, no, you have to. You are Nicole LaRusso, champion of last year's All Valley Tournament and you're not going to compete? I won't allow it. You're competing and you're going to do a fucking great job at it too. So you're gonna get out there and kick some Cobra Kai ass."

"I guess I'll compete. But only for you."

"No. You can't compete for me, babes, you have to compete for yourself. If you want this, you have to go and do it for yourself, not for me."

Nicole looked down at the bed, knowing Courtney was right. If she was going to compete it should be for herself. It didn't matter what her dad wanted or what Courtney wanted or even what Eli wanted, if she wanted something she had to do it herself.

"Oh, and another thing, you better go make up with Eli. He is your romantic soulmate. And I say romantic because obviously you and me are platonic soulmates. Anyway, the point is, you guys are destined to be, so if you don't get your ass up and make up with him, then I'm gonna kick your ass. Oh, and I want my double date."

Nicole chuckled, then looked over at the blonde.

"It's not that simple, though, Court. I know that he loves and cares about me more than I'll ever know, but I just...I feel like he's just tired of me and over my shit and I understand why, so maybe I should just give it a little bit."

Courtney sighed. "Alright. Do what you think is best for both you and Eli."

"I'll try."

Though, she didn't really know what the best thing was.

Crying in the club because we hit 100k. Y'all legit have my heart I love you all so much. <3

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