Sick Mind

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It was another day in Jasper, NV.  Today, Thomas was taking his dad, Dwayne out for a spin in Dodger, who had to let Thomas drive in order to add to his disguise as Thomas's 'truck.'  They settled for driving along a rough patch of dirt on the side of the desert highway, Dwayne had to hang on, but he was still getting quite a ride.

Dwayne: Hoo Dogie! I haven't driven this rough since I was in the Corps!  Thomas, you've picked yourself a nice truck son!

Thomas: Thanks Dad, glad you had fun, anymore before we head home?

Dwayne: Nope, I gotta help your mother with some things around the house, but thanks for taking me for a spin son. (smiles)

Thomas: (smiles) No problem, Dad.  I've got to meet my friends for studying, I'll be home for dinner.

Dwayne: OK, study good son.

They got to the house, where Dwayne got out of the 'truck' and walked into the house to help Rose with painting the living room.  Dodger and Thomas soon drove off and were out of Jasper in a matter of minutes.

Dodger: Nice driving Thomas, hope your dad liked it.

Thomas: Oh, he did, thanks for letting me drive.

Dodger: Yep, hey your dad said he used to be in the 'Corps.' What is that?

Thomas: It's short for United States Marine Corps, my dad served in the Marines before he was a firefighter, he served in Kuwait before he retired, married my mom and became a firefighter, I was born a few years later.

Dodger: What did your dad do in the Marines?

Thomas: He was a tank commander, part of the drive to liberate Kuwait City.  He was a staff sergeant and served as the platoon sergeant in a tank platoon, whenever he speaks, the Lieutenant would listen.  Officers know how to listen to NCOs like my dad.

Dodger: Sounds like the relationship we have with Optimus, when we speak, he listens. 

Thomas: Your right Dodge, I like that about Optimus, he treats everyone as equals.  Makes me almost feel bad for the Cons, almost.

Dodger: I hear ya, Megatron demanded total obedience from his forces, whereas we treat each other as family.  Including you four kids.

Thomas: And I'm glad to be part of it partner. (smiles)

Dodger: Likewise, partner. Now, how about some music.

Thomas: Let it play!

As the song ended, Dodger reached the inside of the base where the Autobots were doing various things while the other kids were in their usual hangout spot, where Thomas went to join them.  Whilt the kids hung out; Ratchet suddenly found something.

Ratchet: Optimus, you're not going to believe this!  I've just pinpointed the location of the Decepticon warship.

Optimus and the others walked over and indeed, the Nemesis was on Ratchet's sensors, located near the Chinese/Mongolian border.

 Optimus: How did you penetrate their cloaking technology?

Ratchet: I didn't, I was experimenting with variable frequency wavelengths when I stumbled upon it.  Still, their ship must be experiencing some sort of electromagnetic breach.

Arcee: With Megatron deceased, and the element of surprise...

Bulkhead: ...We could do some serious damage! 

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